I had a case of the swine, my friends left bacon at my door and I had 3 secondary infections. When I went to the ER I was told I had the trifecta of H1N1. I win, and I was off work for a week. H1N1 is like the fucked snow storm last year.
I overheard a woman say she that might have the flu and then another woman whipped around and said "No, you can't have the flu. It's swine flu season." Mind you, these are rich cheerleading moms.
Your so gayyyyyyyy your so gayyyy im in dismayyyyyyy that your so gayyyyyy, i want you to lick meeeeee i want you to pump meeeeee i want you to tease meeeeeee i want you to hump meeeeee. please smell my butthole cause its rustyyyyyy please lick my cunt because its crustyyyy
Swine flu is one of five types of a particular influenza strain. A lot of people who think they were diagnosed with swine flu just have that particular strain. A lot of this hysteria is for nothing - though I appreciate the days off too!
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