Guys generally don't hold it against themselves, so the only difference in appraisal here is the lack of appraisal you receive from your own gender and the appraisal you give to men.
1106 It is wrong in the eyes of the beholder. If she doesn't think she did anything wrong, then how exactly does this shame her? Does it matter what other people think if you are if you have ego maturity?
9:14 It's a double standard because its meant to shame her. It's still considered "wrong" for a girl to have sex or casual sex, and people will sadly treat her differently knowing how many people she's slept with.
see this is where Im confused.... If it weren't for girls who put out all the guys who like to have sex WOULDN'T be getting any, you dumb motherfuckers!!! So quit bitching about girls who are "sluts". You would be beating off A LOT more if it weren't for us.
4:08 Actually, no. The vagina is a muscle, it expands and contracts to the appropriate size for whatever penis is in it. The labia can stretch, but it only stretches due to larger sizes being inserted, not frequency of insertion.
That means, if a girl sleeps with hundred guys with pencil dicks, she'll look as fresh as a virgin while a girl that slept with one guy with a monster cock will look "wrecked" Try learning about female anatomy from actual sources, not urban dictionary.
Also she can do the same thing to any guy. I have had girl's tell me that they think it is gross how many women I have slept with. Don't blame a double standard on society because you women don't have enough standards to hold guys to the same standard they hold you to
11:37 Im pretty sure the onlystandard guys hold girls to is "pussy" and it's a double standard because guys get appraisal for fucking more women while the more guys girls fuck, the " sluttier" they are considered
137 the point that was being made is that guys don't care that you call them sluts. the reason? Because it has never affected their ability to find a girl. If women thought it were gross or wrong to be a man whore, then they collectively should not date or have relationships with the man whores. You cannot blame guys for not wanting to be with a girl that has fucked around.
11:37 "Because you women don't have enough standards to hold guys to the same standard they hold you to"?
I think I get what you mean, and it's retarded. Also, what the hell is ego maturity? Do you know what your talking about or do you just throw words together in hopes you sound smart?
223 Also who gives these guys this appraisal you speak of? Other guys? Girls? Pretty sure that guys praise other guys for getting that many girls to sleep with them. As you so eloquently pointed out in terms of sex "the onlystandard guys hold girls to is "pussy". Hence you are too big of a catch if he is just willing to sleep with you.
223 Sorry sweetheart but you are wrong. Guys will fuck a "pussy" but self respecting guys won't date one, draw the connection darling. But in case you can't it means that guys have different standards in regards to who they will fuck and who they will date.
301 understandable. However who you date and who you fuck are mutually exclusive standards wise. You don't wear to grocery store what you wear to the bar
1:37 If you don't know something then do what the rest of the intellectual world does and look it up. Not trying to be a dick, but I wouldn't be so apt to question a person's intellect without first assessing your own.
2:13 If guys don't want to sleep with a girl thats been around, thats fine. It's hypocritical for a guy to only date girls who don't sleep around but still fuck girls that do. Thats the problem. If you don't want to date or sleep with "whores" fine, but don't be one yourself then. Because guess what, there is little to no difference between male and female sexuality. Both men and women need sex.
so now everyone can see how big a slut she is. Great idea. And the poor girl is upset because she wanted people to think she was all prim and proper. Good job, OP
Why does everyone assume it means she's a slut she could have only slept with like 5 guys or less or she could be a slut but you dont know also it would be really difucult to tag all the guys shed slept with if she was slut cause I can't imagine shed be friends with all of them on facebook
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