im pretty sure the Amish doent have cell phones... nor know how to even use one.. or even know what one is. but thats just me 2:34 you just simply sound like a dumb ass now
215 is Philly. Philadelphia is not Amish Country. And for the record I don't think I've met a PA resident who liked Bam Margera. We pretty much want him to leave.
WTF is wrong with you people?! I thought it was funny till I read these replies. Who gives a flying fuck what race or religion people are? How hateful, ignorant and moronic can you possibly be? Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot were some of the most evil bastards on earth and no one hates them because of their race or religion. Hitler didn't hate Jews because of religion. God, do some reading and get an education or shut up.
it might as well be about Jews, this came from Amish country. their beards are close enough. hell, everyone in pennslyvania should burn for eternity anyway, 'specially Bam. i hate that idiot.
It's funny to think about but when it happens it really not funny my friend fell in the fire at a keggar wen him and another guy were fighting he's got some ugly scars from it
2:34 im pretty sure the Amish dont have cell phones, nor know how to use one, or even know what a cell phone is, but thats just me.. now you just simply sound like a dumb ass
2:35, stop being an idiot. These responses aren't funny - jokes about Jews and the Seinfeld pretzel troll. We have a sense of humor; you just need to grow the fuck up.
I'm pretty sure the Amish know what cell phones are. They don't use electronics, but I'm sure they've seen cell phones at some point...they're not retarded. Plus don't they get to go out into the world for a few months when they're teenagers or some shit like that?
I'm 95% sure hitler sent this text to jesus. Jesus was like what the fuck man why'd you light all mah chosen people on fire. And hitler was like shit son idk (insert text from up there here)
@2:14.....YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!!! did you send the text? did you receive the text? do you know this person on a personal level? it very well could be about Jews.
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