Whoever said that antibiotics would fix the swine flu VIRUS is badly informed on what antiBIOTICS actually do.
On another note my girlfriend had swine flu and we still hugged, kissed and slept together like normal before and after she got the shot. I didn't even remotely get sick. The whole media hype was ridiculous a the fact that people were quarantined? Just dumb.
People die all the time from the regular seasonal flu. Swine flu is no worse than the seasonal flu. When people die from swine flu it's almost always due to a secondary cause (ie hospital acquired infection such as staph, or severe respiratory problems that already existed. The same reasons why ppl with the regular flu die
Thank you 1:53. H1N1 can cause more dehydration so people need to just fucking drink watered-down Gatorade, applejuice and eat bland food/broth to stop the pooping/vomiting...
i have to disagree. H1N1 was way worse the a regular flu. It's like having the flu with the worse hangover of your life on top of that. that would be why they give most people a pain killer with it.
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