Okay really, Dane cook rips off of everyone, so fuck that I'll say I'm gonna punch a baby and i'm not ripping off anybody. And fuck this person, coupons are fucking awesome, you are a stupid bitch
No taking up time and being a hassle is douchey...so is dumping out your change purse and paying me with pennies, that makes me want to punch old ladies in the face
Awww sorry 5:00PM, I've been working full time since I was 15 and my parents haven't handed me a cent. Daddy doesn't pay for this iPhone, sorry I made something with my life....
Nothing wrong with coupons and saving money... though i'm not a big coupon user I am a mother and its totally gross to even mention punching a baby.... effin low bitch
who the hell is against free money?? someone gives you 50 cents, someone gives you a dollar, are you going to say no??? everyone else is the dumb ass, your groceries cost you $60 mine only $50 that's $10 more dollars for alcohol, weed, and cigarettes.
Lol. Wow, sorry sone people NEED those cupons. Probably sent from a damn iPhone. Glad you can spend that mone, you're getting paid to work a grocery store obviously. Get over it, douche.
I also paid for my own iPhone. I'm not some spoiled brat that has my daddy buy it for me. I live on my own and support myself and go to college so fuck you just bc you can't manage your own god damn money
Fuck you jackass, I use coupons and I don't have a baby. Not everybody has daddy's money to text stupid shit like this from their iPhone, get over yourself and try living in the real world.
Anonymous said...
I used a coupon to get $2 off condoms today! Punch me because I won;t have any baby available...it's worth it! :D
September 9, 2009 1:30PM
Wooo! Go Baton Rouge, Louisiana! Fuck poor people and penny pinchers! And fuck Les Miles for royally fucking the LSU Tigers this season!!!! Hahahha. You guys are so offensive over something as stupid as a text from someone you don't know. It's funny. It's even funnier that they are from the same town as me. :)
you make me want to punch you in the face and than break every damn finger you have and than smash your toes with the hammer and slam your arms in the car door than take a rock and bash your head in... Now do you wanna punch a baby?
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