You called information & said "connect me to johnny depp" when they told u it wasn't listed u said " try depp comma johnny he's expecting my call"
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Good call (no pun intended). Johnny Depp is amazing.
he's on Nantucket, btw.
johnny depp will never be ugly
mmmm.... he's 47 and i would still tap that
haha nice.. johnny depp=sexy
he's amazing and he lives in France
hahahahahaha. thats all i have to say.
i fucked him, kinda girly even after i used lube
I'm buying an island next to his island.
what a duchebag of an operator this is why customer service sucks
he's amazing and he lives in my city.
I used to live in 870 there is literally nothing to do there but drink. Unless you want to go the quarry and stare at a giant hole filled with water, couches, and old cars.
12:08... you prefer men instead of "little girls" soooo... what? you prefer bob barker to johnny depp?
Suck my balls, Y'all.
He lives in france most of the time, so that would be why >.< I LIVE IN FRANCE HAAAAAAAA *happiness*
johnny depp is ugly now.
LMAO I love it. "No, really, he's expecting my call."
Johnny Depp is hot as mother-fuckn hell. Did you see him in Blow? OMG!
he is amazing and he lives alot of different places, perks of being rich you get to buy a couple of houses....didn't he buy an island?
yes 10:09. you are.
i would! mother fucking hot
Fantastic. Sounds like a call I would make.
Too bad he wouldn't fuck any of you.
he might not fuck any of us but a girl can dream
Yes...Bob Barker over Depp anyday.
flex from daisy of love is hotttt and yes i have a life 11:28
fox from daisy of love kinda looks like him. he's hot too
I met Johnny dep three years ago. He's so damn sexy
no are not. I've heard he's a nice person but I like guys that look like men...not little girls.
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