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  • why do people think that writing like that is OK? >_<

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:44pm
  • Omg I hate it when people text like that

    Submitted by mollie711 on Mar 28, 10 at 10:47am
  • F*cking right... anybody doing that should be slapped about the head and neck.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 1:19pm
  • i hate people who say 'freal' 'seers' and any other abreviations with 1 letter missing

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:58pm
  • She's a cunt, don't slap her though, dropkick her in the sternum.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 25, 10 at 11:26pm
  • Lets form a line. We all get a whack at slapping her...and the rest of the idiots who think that's cute.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 1:26pm
  • oMG i HATe THaT tOo. yOu HaVe nO iDeA :):) <3333 L0l jKjK no seriously.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 12:51pm
  • i hate it when people type in all caps perios, or write the same way they talk: "wuts gud bro itz ya boi" SHUT THE FUCK UP!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 8, 09 at 8:33am
  • It mean

    Submitted by schloederlisa on Jan 5, 11 at 11:06pm
  • I kNoW iT PisSeS mE oFf!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 25, 09 at 1:46pm
  • no, the cool thing is to add numbers instead of letters. Ya D1g Br0?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:41pm
  • @1:23: i know people way over 19 that do it.. i'm so happy i'm not the only one who thinks these people are morons! :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:47pm
  • That type of typing has to be the most irritatingly retarded thing in the world!! I just graduated high school

    Submitted by la_bella_vida on Aug 2, 10 at 12:57pm
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 7:41pm
  • I'd stand in that line.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:00pm
  • does anyone hate it when people add unnessecary letters? like "whats upp" or "heyy" . it has one p and one y.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 8, 09 at 2:05am
  • oh yea, so cute you have to post it a dumbfuck billion times.... trying to convince yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:54pm
  • @12:45: you know some people actually have a program tht converts all the test they type on their PC to parse like that. It shows that teens shouldn't be allowed to program.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 12:46pm
  • omg i know i HATE people who write like that!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 12:41pm
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm
  • And the ones who think it's okay to write cuz, tha, iz, or that add random y's

    Submitted by about23mormons on Jun 17, 10 at 8:46pm
  • 2:59 Correction 2:49 Sucks!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:08pm
  • that's because she's, like, 12...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:10pm
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm
  • Oh, I know. ii ALSO HATE iiT SO MUCH WHEN iiDIOTS TYPE WiiTH ALL CAPS EXCEPT FOR THEiiR ii'S, WHiiCH ALSO HAVE TO BE REPEATED. Ugh. That took me like ten minutes to do. :/

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 11:14pm
  • to those of you who think that all teenagers find this attractive and cute dont count on it. Im 15 and its driving my crazy watching that ass hole think they are amazing for typing it a thousand times. It also annoys me when people typelike ass holes like wazz upp???? but maybe thats just me.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 9, 09 at 12:41am
  • oH oKaY tHaNk YoU fOr CoRrEcTiNg Me 3:30! <3<3**fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt **<3<3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:40pm
  • Slap her! Slap her!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:03pm
  • <3<3**fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt **<3<3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:41pm
  • doesn't it take like twenty times more effort to get your thought out anyway? seers.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:19pm
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm
  • Is your niece Gamzee Makara?

    Submitted by 2kawaii2care on Apr 23, 12 at 8:58am
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm
  • Why would anyone even do that on their phone? It makes it twice as annoying, even if you have a full keyboard.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 12:45pm
  • <3<3**fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt **<3<3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:41pm
  • <3<3**fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt **<3<3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:41pm
  • <3<3**fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt **<3<3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:41pm
  • I hate that too. Can you believe that I know 19 year olds who still write like that? Yeah.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 1:23pm
  • <3<3**fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt **<3<3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:41pm
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm
  • AGREED! My little sister does it on fb and msn all the time, so annoying!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 12:53pm
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm
  • why would you even waste your time doing such a pointless and obnoxious thing? why? i don't understand D:

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 8, 09 at 5:45pm
  • s0 AnN0YInG 0MfG> T0aTs h8 tHt!!! ugh people are retarded.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 1:01pm
  • I want to slap you for sending a text like that. Not funny and shouldn't be on here.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 5:45pm
  • <3<3**fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt **<3<3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:41pm
  • ! WaNt 2 Sl@p Ur N!3c3 2

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 11:56pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 4:51pm
  • It's not only the retarted capitalizations, it's the stupid random *** <3 <3 <3 ** !! =) =) ** !! ... ;;;; <3 That drive me crazy!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:30pm
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm
  • okayyyyyyy I am suuuper sooorrryyyy :) No seriously sometimes people's phone keys stick like mine ;) lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 8, 09 at 2:19am
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm
  • <3<3**fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt **<3<3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 3:41pm
  • fUcK yOu HaTeRs Im ThE cOoLeSt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 7, 09 at 2:49pm