Definitely takes two. If anything, the woman has more power with the sex unless he raped her.
But above all, abstinence is key. If she wanted to keep it safe, she probably would have tried a little more to be safe.
Ok of course its his fault, bein pregnant & hormonal means that everythin is his fault until the baby pops out! Hehe, i woz grumpy like this while i woz pregnant with both my babies! * i cant reach my feet to tie my shoelaces anymore, its all ur fault * lol!
not fair at all lol
it's not only the man's responsibility to have safe sex. It's not like the girl gives consent and is then absolutely at the mercy of the man. If she agreed to have sex without a condom it's as much her fault as his.
And why would a man slip of his condom? We arent baby-making ninjas.
7:47...they didnt mean purposely slipping off; sometimes the condom slips off during sex if it was put on improperly. you silly baby making ninja, you.
It's both of their faults, so she can't directly blame him for everything. A guy can make an excuse to put it off until another night if she want's it without protection, and it can either make him look like an asshole or prince charming. She can do the same.
It's everyones responsibility to have safe sex. As far as pregnancies go, a girl should find the best form of hormonal birth control or iud or shot or whatever works best for her and a guy should always wrap it up.
um... like i always say..
its your fault slut, for getting pregnant
he doesnt care if your having a baby
he can leave, you cant
its your job to make sure you wear a condom, and its your job to make sure it doesnt slip.
straight goods..
theres so much things out there theese days that make it so you CANT get prego.
fuck, use a condom and dont blame other people for you being a cum dumpster.
i fucking hate sluts
Stop blaming him for everything. You have to take responsibility too. Maybe you should have kept your legs together if you can't handle your part of using birth control. You're being a total TWAT.
Drop the attitude towards him quick if you ever want him to be a father figure to your kid. Otherwise, he can leave you to raise the runt on your own and can use your having pushed him away to get out of paying child support.
She's dumb. She should have done four things differently:
Had him pull out and spew it on her face.
Took birth control.
Made him wear a condom.
Took Plan B.
This is one dumb bitch.
I have been in this situation as well. We used a condom, and i was on birth control, and he pulled out, and somehow it still happened. I blamed him at one point, but I know it was both of us. Its no one's fault. Shit just happens. People can take as many precautions as possible. But neither he nor she is to blame for the pregnancy. The next step is if he will support her in whatever decision she makes, and if that doesn't happen. Then she can blame him for running away.
I like the fact that out of everyone who goes on these giant rants of how stupid this girl is, there is not even one word that states that the comment was made about blaming him for getting her pregnant.
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