Had it happen. Got conjunctivitis (pink eye). Had to use these stupid drops the dr gave me. Worst part was explaining how it happened. I swear he had to turn his head and cough over his laughter.
lol @ 1:57 it happens alot more thabn you think, i mean when was the last time your freind said to you" so yeah last night i got shot in the eye with jizm" ? people just dont talk about it usually.
This is why no man will EVER jizz on my face, it degrading...I make him eat my pussy and then I MIGHT suck him...but only for a min. It's the bous that drop their knees to the ground..aha
just be glad you dont wear contacts. THAT hurts lol.. and it made the contact stick to my eye.. i had to use drops for like 20 minutes before i could get it out! hahaha
Bitterrrr ^
It isn't about being his bitch, it's about bringing pleasure to the person you love/care for to me.
And besides I personally love doing it for my man.
There's something sexy about having being in control, and watching his reactions is great too.
[Never got it in my eye before either. Doesn't sound fun..]
found out my girlfriend was cheating a few months ago, went to her house had sex, shot it in her face (got her eye), threw some change on the bed jumped up and left
i think she cried the whole day, i dont know if it was her eye or paying her like a whore...hahaha
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