ah, so since condoms aren't 100% effective, people who use them aren't considered to be having safe sex anymore? its cute when high schoolers like 11:50 try to be pretentious.
First off, a massive collection of condoms means simple that he's not using them, in perscribed manner. As for the 68, if you've been honest and sober enough to remeberb your first 68...your a much better man than I am
I really love how this shit gets very few calls of "slut" or "whore", but when a text mentions a girl sleeping with any guy she's described as trashy. Shit, someone on this thread even accused the GIRL of being a whore. No double standards here...
i would be MUCH more turned off by the list than by the condoms.The condoms just mean he is protecting himself (and his partner) but the list is just gross and let's you know what a douche this guy is. blech!
everyone should listen to jim jefferies. the slut and stud double standard is clearly explained. its really hard to be a stud and fucking easy to be a slut. to be a stud you have to be charming and witty and well dressed, have a job and all that crap. to be a slut, you just have to be... there
damn 68? wonder if its different girls or multi of the same..? if its the same then only 68? what a loser....
Who uses condoms anyways? I know when to pull out and the few that sneak out before i peak arnt enough to get to the egg
To everyone in the "why don't guys get called sluts but girls do" debate: It is NOT a double standard because it is much easier for girls to get laid. If a girl wants to get to #68, she just needs to have a vagina. For a guy to get to #68, he needs to at least have some modicum of game. So stfu.
Doesn't every guy have a girl sign a waiver with the numbers on it? thats not a bad thing.. good job man. in the small print it says he won't pay for anything if a child is born.. and yes she did sleep with him because he wouldn't have had her sign it if he didn't..
12:02 you are a dumbass cause all it takes is a little drop. you probably have some kids out there that you dont know about cause the girls were too ashamed to admit that it was an idiot like you that got them pregnant.
reminds me of a frat brother in college 20 years ago.... SERIAL one nighter vulture... tried to take a poloroid of each girl afterword...had a scrap book of naked girls with surprised looks on their faces
condoms are 100% effective if you dont expose them to things like putting them in your wallet or leaving them in your hot car. justttt so everyone knows
8:28, Just as we know condoms are 100% at stopping births, they are 100% at stopping std's, especially when she sucked his dick. There I go again being facetious.
Well either you're a giant whore, or he's just the worlds biggest douch. Either way, one of you need to go to the 'ijustwanttotellyou' website...your semi-anonymous venting pleasure.
ok anyone claiming that a large collection of condoms means he's not using them is fucking retarded. what do you expect him to do? collect the ones that he DID use? fucking sherlock, i swear. would it be within the realm of possibility that he has a lot of condoms because he uses a lot and doesn't want to run to the store every 3rd day?
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