Is it fine that sometimes my girlfriend and I hold hands/cuddle etc in front of people who we know will be weirded out by it? It's a tough job, but someone's gotta offend the homophobes.
Leviticus? For Christians? If you are going to point to Leviticus to bash gays then I'd better not catch you eating bacon or driving on the sabbath, either.
technically the bible does say homosexuality is a sin, so christians who think otherwise are hypocrites. thats why I'm an atheist, Christianity is for naive and ignorant people.
Whoa, I am a Christian, I don't believe half of what the bible says. I think Christianity and Catholicism has been warped by freaks of nature that are too zealous about religion and I think the bible has been twisted in some "books" in it. And even if Homosexuality is a sin, I still support it and I believe that God still loves all people the same regardless of their sexual preference.
she's probably freaking out because at that very moment she's being forced to confront her own lesbian identity which she has been repressing due to her fundamentalist upbringing. but i could be wrong..
11:27 isn't me, I'm the one who wrote the 11:00 post, and I don't see how being an atheist makes one a whore. I guess woody allen, lance armstrong, natalie portman, warren buffet, keanu rives, bill gates and diane keaton are all whores too since they are atheists...
i think people should stop focusing on the on the minor details of the bible and look at the big picture. To love one another and be accepting. yes, sounds corny but also like a better place to live in. also everything contradicts eachother in the bible so what sounds more appealing to you? to accept one another (eg. you accept them AND they accept you) or ignorantly and pointlessly trying to bully some one into being something that they are not..
i'm just saying....
That is sort of sweet... I think I would like to hug that lesbian couple. The Christian girl can go fuck herself and go to hell for her intolerance...
I'm Catholic... We take all kinds!!
11:08 #1, you sound like a fantastic parent. "Don't worry, Jimmy, mommy didn't abort you because it's a sin. If God was okay with it, I would have though. You're my favorite mistake."
you cant believe in one part of the bible and over look other parts. you're not a real christian if you're half assing your religious beliefs. dont be a hypocrite by saying homosexuality is a sin and overlook all the other dumb ass "rules"
Debates are not used to convince the participants but rather the random onlookers. You can never convince someone to change their ways but you can cause observers to question theirs.
2:18, don't be silly, Christians NEVER act the way Jesus would have wanted them too, Jesus said rich people cant get into heaven and "he who is without sin cast the first stone" and yet we see all these Christians bashing gays and minorities while driving around huge obnoxious cars. 2:05 is like most Christians: "BELIEVE IN MY RELIGION OR FUCKING DIE!!!111"
12:49(2) probably lusts, same as an adulterer. probably has hate in his heart (probably toward homosexuals) therefor same as the murderer. ever read sermon on the mount? (_(_)
The religious have spent all of recorded history killing people that do not fit their preference... why cant we turn the tides and kill all the religious nuts?
This is God speaking! First of all my real name is Dave. Second of all Mormons are the only ones getting into Heaven anyway so everyone else stop trying and enjoy life. Lastly, midgets, whether Mormon or not, are going to heaven, they are the only REAL children of God. That is all.
wait so you're serious? you really want to make a list that says
"Two types of people I hate
1) those who are intolerant of others cultures
2) and gays"
Really?! you have to be kdding me. Anyone else see the irony?
OK but if you're really serious then would you consider the type of cultural you live in a lifestyle? what is the difference?
just because you're not christian doesn't mean you can't believe in a not sure if there is a god or not..but i know that the god in the bible does not exist..but thats all i can really know
to the atheists, i'll say to you what Dane Cook says to say to atheists when they sneeze: when you die nothing happens. doesn't that make you feel all happy inside? didn't think so.
11:43 - you have a point... one thing that drives me crazy is liberals who shun conservatives because they're different. Doesn't that defeat your point? I don't understand many of the overly conservative Christian principles and the people who abide by them, but that doesn't mean they aren't entitled to hold those beliefs...
11:38 - Lolz thank you for making me laugh on a bus and look slightly off balanced.
Nothing saying I'm keeping my baby like I'm afraid god won't overlook abortion the same way he will premarital sex
I don't want to go deep into religious belief but there are so many people who are religious, believe in God, but aren't fundamentalist Christians. People can understand and accept modern, liberal beliefs and still be religious.
if were going to quote the bible, id say this is my fav
Ezekiel 25:17. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
Dont really give a shit 2:07.. God new before he put that fuckin "tree of knowledge of good and evil" thing in the garden about all the children that will starve to death in africa.. all the children raped and abused, all the people tortured and murdered for what they were taught and believed in..and any god who knows that and still lets it all a fucking asshole
while rocking back in forth in her seat:
Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
did you know (little fun fact) that when the "Acts Church" was forming, the religious called them atheists and chritsianity wasn't called a religion for a few hundred years. wtf happened
1048 ahhhh hahhaha. I wouldve just grabbed my girlfriend and starting making out on the bus. Stop. Look the girl right in the eye and ask her how she feels. BAM
I don't get why people are STILL hatin on gays?? its not like they goin anywhere
who the fuck cares who you fuckin love, i just don't get the big fuckin they bible says many people nowadays can actually say they live their life by the bible??
...not very many. get over it!
Lol the bible says strange stuff
Ezekiel 23:20 "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."
6:34- The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by dancing midgets... and also monkeys.
And I agree with 6:15- I can be convinced to change my mind if the other person offers an intelligent argument that is not purely based on emotions and name calling.
I have this insane urge to hold hands with one of my girl friends and purposefully try to freak out random people on a bus. Hell, I might even throw in a kiss or two for kicks. Homophobes are hilarious.
Gays are here to stay.
Anyone who can't accept that can fuck off.
And besides, the Catholic God isn't the only God.
There's bound to be some God out there who lovingly accepts gays.
Because the Catholic religion is fucked up.
The bible also says that women on their periods have to go outside the camp and stay away from everyone else. It also says not to braid your hair. And that women can't speak in public. It says not to mix different types of thread to make fabric... Good grief, can't we all just realize it's an OLD BOOK???
...can I just say that the bible also says that it is a sin to eat anything with a shell, because it is dirty and sinful? Of course, you can feed them to the slaves, who are nothing but objects and pets
Horrified? I'd put my money on her using that scene for her next 10 diddle sessions. Gotta love catho-lick girls. They are the first ones to experiment with other beef curtains!
Certain people really need to learn the difference between moral law, civil law, and ceremonial law, and need to realize that moral law as according to the Bible is the only law still in effect today. The rest is for historical purposes.
FALSE 6:07!! I can be convinced to change someting if the other person has valid points! But too many people are blindly ingorant and think they are right no matter what just because that's what they were taught as a kid...also 5:19 good call i think he/she is a midget molesting midget..and i get to say "that is all" 5:39 and no one else! That is all
11:14 is right. Anyone dumb enough to argue religion on here clearly is already set in their ways. The Christians will remain Christians, the Atheists, Atheists, and so on. No conversions will take place. Move along now.
I don't usually get involved in religious debates but the bible was written by humans not God and those humans lived in a time when it wasn't cool to be homosexual
Leviticus also says you cannot wear cotton and leather,or mix 2 fabrics at once. And if you talk backto your parents they should stone you to death, and if you as a female get raped and no one hears you scream you should be stoned.... So ya homosexuality is a sin according to levitticus why not follow it in its entireity...
sorry had a few typos above..... high as a kite
More people would be into the bible if it was written by midgets. And all religious figures had to be midgets. I know I would go to church more often
Midgets unite now is the time to take the power
I'm surprised this chick got so freaked out over hand holding. I hold hands with my friends but that doesn't make me a lesbian. I guess they probably had the more butch look going.
dude whatever the christians love to pull out the only quotes that actually help them. They love to ignore eye for an eye, rule of thumb, and oh yeah that little one that says don't judge and mind your business and if you are without sin please cast the first stone.
Leviticus 18:22 says "thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Yes, I looked it up. Now, as far as I'm concerned, one can't lie with a man like one does with a woman. Different bodies, etc... It has nothing to do with homosexuality, it's just stating the obvious! And, oh yeah, the Bible can be forced to say anything, just like Koran or Torah, or any other book, you just have to try hard enough and then you'll justify anything, from suicide bombers to Christian Crusaders. a man may not lay with another man. So they can have sex with one another, and lesbians are free to do as they choose. better tell my lesbian girlfriend.
i mean, if we take everything so literally...
Leviticus also says you cannot wear cotton and leather,or miz 2 fabrics at once. And if you talk backto your parents they should stone you to do, and if you as a female get raped and no one hears you scream you should be stoned.... So ya homosexuality is a sin according to levitticus why not follow it in its entireity...
The bible doesn't fucking say anything against gays. I mean they say holy matrimony is for a man and a woman but they never say anything AGAINST gays. That was just the government, man. They're trying to get us to think from their fucked up racist sexist discriminatory viewpoint. Love all, dude. That's what the bible says. Love all.
my husband is on the short side, about 5'5". he tells everyone at work that if they bring him a mini buffalo ranch chicken sandwich, he'll sing and do the dance.
11:38 take a joke, i did get pregnant. i didn't have an abortion. but not because i believe abortion is a sin or wrong. it just wasn't right for me. i was pregnant, i knew this child - this part of me - was growing inside me, that my body was there to protect it until it was ready to be born. i couldn't get an abortion. and i've never regretted my decision to keep my beautiful son. he is the best part of my life.
Look, obviously our world is split into two halves: Religious individuals and those who look to the media for guidance. Just realize that you all need to shut it because no one is convincing anyone of anything on here. There is too much angst. My suggestion: State your opinion and leave. Don't bash anyone else, otherwise you'll probably end up getting bashed yourself. Have a nice day. That is all.
11:05 thats why i'm an atheist, I'm sick of these dumbass christians who dont realize their stupid bible is made up and filled with lies and intolerance. um, your religion says that gays are bad and women should be submissive.
People... do we really have to believe in an imaginary being way up in the sky in order to experience love on any level???? So does this mean that if god is NOT real, then love does not exist??? Poor, poor misguided people...
2:16 dont do things just to be a rebel or get a rise out of someone.. do things because you want to..and if nothing you do hurts anyone directly or indirectly..then you're a good's as simple as that
CHRISTIANS ARE THE MOST IGNORANT PEOPLE ON EARTH! Any Christian that tries to convince me of their views- I'll use science books to prove you wrong, then use your bible written by "god" to wipe my white ass. FUCK JESUS AND gOD. (refuse to capitalize that word because there's no such thing as a man in the sky). take that jesus freaks. PS ADAM AND EVE STORY IS THE BIGGEST CROCK OF SHIT EVER!
Yeah the Two things i hate person is making an Austin Powers reference lol except the second one in the movie was the dutch not the maybe that person is trying to act like he made it up himself either way definitely a joke
everyone sins. Homosexuality is just a sin someone suffers from. If they really wanted to get rid of it they could. It may just be a spirit on them tha needs to be prayed off.
Wow, seriously?! How exactly did you manage to type that with your head so far up your ass? Actually it's just a genetic pre-disposition; but clearly it would just make you happy if people "pray it away", aka deny their true feelings and just spend their lives in miserable loveless relationships trying to please you people! If God really has a problem with homosexuality I'm sure he doesn't need a bunch of ignorant children to handle it for him!
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