16/19 posts here are douchbag posts. That's about 85% of you being worthless fucks. It's a descriptive post using those childrens books as the description of the place they're at. Yay/nay, who gives a shit.
but they're well known for bizarre things happening
like a camera that makes the people it photographs disappear
why are you guys being so harsh? you seriously can't even think of these books and feel nostalgic? he/she was just referencing something from his/her childhood.
Why would the text have even brought up those books if he didn't think they were cool/interesting? There are plenty of other creepy and strange books he could have mentioned...
he didn't say it was cool, dick.
he said it was a goosebumps novel waiting to happen, implying that it was probably strange and creepy.
think before you try to condescend.
"16/19 posts here are douchbag posts. That's about 85% of you being worthless fucks. It's a descriptive post using those childrens books as the description of the place they're at. Yay/nay, who gives a shit.
June 27, 2009 5:26PM "
On point.
Anyone remember those "Scary Stories to Read in the Dark" books with those fucked up illustrations? Those freaked the shit outta me in elementary school
Dude, 3:30, its a throwback. Everyone in the current young adult generation remembers goosebumps. Its like how people watch "I love the 90s", Not because we still think that stuff is cool, but because its funny to remember it. Or how college kids still watch and make references to Fresh Prince.
gosh people it was an analogy.. a joke..! ever laugh??? just because they used goosebumps in a joke doesnt mean they read it still geeeeeeez i hate people
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