--- IF you and your girl are madly in love with eachother and you fight over b.s crap cause you have too much time on your hands or feel insecure yet loved thheeeen for sure! have octuplets, your own little soccer team!!!
Sadly, some women do this. They also purposely miss taking their BC pills and the guy doesn't know so they'll end up pregnant and they either can't leave, or end up paying thousands of dollars in child support.
Um, it's not always a joke, I know people that have done this. I should say I've slapped peopel that have done this. Same thing with wedding rings...
I had a g/f that said we needed relationship counseling, but then demand I buy her a ring, or she was leaving.
ugh...what kind of a question is this?!
you have extra money lying around to support some kids?...donate it.
so not a good reason to have children. please dont.
Well, duh. Everyone knows that that would make things so much easier in the relationship. Oh, wait, did you say "kids?" In that case, you're a dumb ass and should hit yourself in the nuts/ovaries so you can't procreate.
Please eat an entire bottle of sleeping pills, slit your wrists, tie a plastic bag over your head, set yourself on fire, and jump off a tall building with a rope around your neck that's attached to the building about halfway down. And just to be safe, shoot yourself in the head on the way down. The last thing we need is your dumbass little shits walking around.
Please be joking. Unfortunately, some people do this. My parents did. Five kids watching them fight violently for decades. I'm pretty sure we will all stay away from marriage and children forever. If you do this, you will emotionally scar your children for life. At least have the decency to pay their therapy bills and medication!
i cant believe this is in my home area.....actually i can....you know what go ahead and buy that extra big house with a sub prime loan all my neighbors thought that would help them and now my neighborhood is a ghostown
whether you are a guy or girl, do society a favor and sterilize yourself right now! Thank god all of the posts agree with me. This is the worst thing you could do to yourself and whatever future children you will have.
Why would you ever even ask a stupid question like that, a CHILD is not just something you can use to fix a problem. If your not intelligent enough to know you need stability and a loving family to raise a child. Don't make them suffer for your ignorance.
If ur not gett'n along now kids are not the answer...it's not the kids fault ....either move on or fix ur relationship first....life changes with kids!!!!!
why, so they can grow up to be nose-picking serial killers because their terrifyingly stupid mother decided it was a good idea to save a dying relationship with kids that she didn't want?
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