that pisses me off....i'm a bouncer, and i SWEAR i made up that same line, been using it for over 7 years....that kid def got choked out though,, i'm at work right now, and some guys are close to leaving the hard way as we speak, they brought a fuckin steel drum street performer into the bar and told him it was ok to set up and play inside....what the fuck??? that being said, i should check on that situation now......
Chances are the guy who sent this text got his ass kicked. And when I was unfortunate enough to be a bouncer for 16 months, I was making $16.50 per hour. And earning it was the funnest part.
Fucking wastes of skin! Bouncers if you're looking for a change of scenery then join the Halifax regional police... The force is predominately made up of you needle dicked fucks and you only need to complete a 6week information session to get in. So just practice spelling your name right and you should be gold;)
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