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  • Just saying, no respectable stoner would give you an award for doing that. Cigarette filters also catch a good chunk of the THC. Putting cough syrup in a pipe however...

    Submitted by devildog100 on Apr 26, 12 at 3:17pm
  • Was just gonna say I bet u didn't even get stoned. However the cough syrup is a great idea haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 26, 12 at 5:49pm
  • Yeah, only that a normal cig filter will keep most of the thc.

    Submitted by redlukas on Apr 27, 12 at 5:54am
  • You could not be more stupid. You get the opposite of the stoner of the year award because any self respecting stoner would have done their homework and realized that their cigarette filter in a joint idea was absolute crap. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Submitted by polomarco on Apr 26, 12 at 11:37pm
  • After reading all these comments, coming from a fellow pot smoker, I feel like I just went on web-MD to find out a) if a cig filter catches most of my thc when I smoke? b) will cough syrup cure a cold if inhaled through a weed pipe? c) how long does smoke stay in my lungs after I smoke weed? Lolllzz

    Submitted by Cookie761 on Apr 27, 12 at 12:04pm
  • I'm sick now and can't smoke but I apparently smoke enough and cough hard enough to cough up little smoke bursts, I pretend I'm a sick dragon. It makes me feel better.

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Apr 27, 12 at 1:43am
    • Question: I don't smoke anything except pot, so, I'm coughing up smoke days after I've smoked. How long does the smoke stay in my lungs and does having the smoke on my lungs affect my tolerance?

      Submitted by GA_Peach on Apr 27, 12 at 1:45am
      • Peach, what you speak of is impossible, you cannot cough up any smoke for days, even hours and minutes after, the smoke inhaled if held in too long will be absorbed into the lung tissue, never to be seen as smoke again. go to a doctor if you're coughing up funky shit

        Submitted by grandmasboy on Apr 27, 12 at 9:38am
        • Also, I hope you feel better soon :)

          Submitted by grandmasboy on Apr 27, 12 at 9:40am
          • Thank you :) I dunno my step dad said he'd do that from time to time when he got sick too.

            Submitted by GA_Peach on Apr 27, 12 at 8:03pm
            • I've heard of that too. my friend said that happens to him as well....

              Submitted by melihay23 on Apr 28, 12 at 1:03am
  • Peach, my gentleman friend has asthma, smokes cigarettes and can do that on cue. it's not really smoke but it is freaking weird!

    Submitted by Valkyrie on Apr 27, 12 at 9:56am
    • Ok good I'm not completely weird...I dont have asthma though. :)

      Submitted by GA_Peach on Apr 27, 12 at 8:07pm