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  • Watching Game of Thrones is no joke

    Submitted by PhuriousGeorge on Apr 2, 12 at 4:17pm
    • is that show/book any good? I see it everywhere now so I wondering if I should give in to the blitzkrieg advertising

      Submitted by nunubeest on Apr 2, 12 at 8:31pm
      • show is great, books are good if you've got the time/patience for them

        Submitted by grenadewizard on Apr 2, 12 at 9:12pm
        • hmmmmm methinks I will download an episode and see what's what

          Submitted by nunubeest on Apr 2, 12 at 10:54pm
          • watch the first episode, just make sure to watch the whole episode youll be hooked!

            Submitted by lakersfankb81 on Apr 3, 12 at 12:30am
    • Game of Thrones is better done as hardcore porn. At least the fucking each other is honest.

      Submitted by cfreymarc on Apr 3, 12 at 2:45am
  • Game of Thrones is inspiring. Nudity, violence and intelligence. So good.

    Submitted by dictatorforlife on Apr 2, 12 at 8:46pm
  • its not BS its HBO

    Submitted by nunubeest on Apr 2, 12 at 5:16pm
  • Nunu. The books are great. Much more elaborate and detailed. But the series isn't even over. 5 books so far and no idea how many till or when it ends.

    Submitted by ly0ntamer on Apr 2, 12 at 9:48pm
    • which is the first in the series? author? gunna Barnes and noble me this shit

      Submitted by nunubeest on Apr 2, 12 at 11:11pm
      • a song of fire and ice is the series by george r.r. martin. game of thrones is the first book i believe

        Submitted by lakersfankb81 on Apr 3, 12 at 12:29am
  • I saw setting fire to...and immediately thought 'the rain' was going to follow. Thank God adele hasn't infested this place.

    Submitted by ahyeah on Apr 2, 12 at 8:57pm
  • HBO shows are serious business!

    Submitted by meow00 on Apr 2, 12 at 4:44pm
  • Get a life outside of tv!

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Apr 2, 12 at 4:11pm
  • Game of Thrones is awesome.

    Submitted by psychfreak on Jul 21, 13 at 8:19pm