And you know what else you should never do? Huff Carbon-Monoxide, bathe in Hydrofluoric acid, try to pick a fight with a bear, try to play chicken with a train, visit West Virginia, scream bomb on a plane, or masturbate on a playground. But you know what, no one says not to do this, because it's incredibly OBVIOUS YOU MORONIC FUCK. Never reproduce.PLEASE.
How does the year have anything to do with tobacco consumption? As long as there is a supply, people are going to smoke. Yuppies need to grow up. Focus on within and stfu.
Yeah he/she pretty obviously meant that no one puts cigarettes behind their ears anymore, because it looks idiotic. And actually significantly less people (per capita) in the U.S. are smoking every year, especially compared to 30 or 40 years ago. So the year would still be relevant if that's what he/she meant.
Submitted by
on Jan 22, 12 at 10:41am
...I live in ky and am from ga, I've seen four people today, today, with ciggarettes behind their ears. The part of the south that I know hasn't gotten that memo.
I live in texas and everyone puts cigarettes behind their ears. It's just very convenient when you think your out. Also I have put a square I thought was out behind my ear... It sucks asshole.
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