How did you manage to get a wart ripped off in the softest place on earth? Does she have some sort of venus fly trap vag or is that fucker lined with broken glass?
I just saw "softest place on earth?" and I laughed. \nHas anyone ever really tested what the softest place on earth is?\nNevertheless, it made me laugh. Nice one.
effing dirt-bag. why would you finger a girl with a finger you had a wart on. i'm so glad i am married and don't have to deal with jerks like you. karma is a bitch, don't treat women like that.
what a LIE. thats the worst made up sex story ever!, i find it impossibly hard to believe that a wart just CAME off when fingering her. what dumb ass even thinks of something like that,
How funny is this?! I literally laughed out loud! But it is quite disgusting! Poor girl for being with a guy that would think so low of her. Dude, that was wrong on so many levels.
11:04....thank you! ...its rumor likes these that make STD's run so rampant...umm...I cant get the gonorrhea if he doesn't cum in me right?..WRONG Douche bag WRONG!!
How in the heck did it rip off inside her? Was her vaginal wall lined with sand paper?! Gross. Or were you fingering her like a jackhammer? Either way - I hope a lesson was learned here.
umm you can't. Genital warts = HPV. Finger wart = not HPV. Therefore finger warts will not give you genital warts. Maybe you meant "any 1940s 'smoking makes you strong' physician" would agree with you.
LOL this is hilarious...but wats even more funny you didnt get t fuck by lying and pretending she got her period dummy!!!!! ^^^^ CLEARLY she was embarrassed she taught her period came n while getting fingered!!!! Maybe thats y she cried dumb BITCH 3:41
warts can happen any where, and there are PLANTERS warts, GENITAL wart and the kind you get on your hands, there are a whole plethora of warts that you can get
Actually a simple google search wouldve rendered you educated because plantars warts and genitals warts are caused by the same HPV. There are over 20 types of HPV several are known to cause warts and genital warts. \n\n"(Planters wart) A plantar wart (also known as "Verruca plantaris") is a wart caused by the human papillomavirus occurring on the sole or toes of the foot. (HPV infections in other locations are not plantar; see human papillomavirus. ."
thats terrible and your an ass. similar story though, sex accident and my bf broke a vein in his dick, and we both thought it was me for about a minute before we realized it was him.
In response to the
"Genital warts vs planters warts. NOT THE SAME PEOPLE. Educate yourselves. " person....EDUCATE YOURSELF...Planters warts are on your feet...not your hands...
ha I love how everyone is criticizing you for this, I find this hilarious. haha way to go.
but next time, finger her with your other hand maybe. ha just a little tip for you.
"For those saying it's not possible to transmit from genital strains to other body regions, you are incorrect. From a physician, it is definitely possible."
okay, you're right, it's POSSIBLE for the viruses to host in other sites but TEMPORARY. If oral herpes/warts showed up on your junk it's because it hasn't made it's way to its permanent hosting site yet. The next outbreak you'll look like you suck dick for a living... no worries.
hahahahaha quite funny. but GROSS..... poor girl!!!! she would have been so embarrassed at the time. BUT i guess the dickhead didnt realise she would figure it out once he left and her period had stopped already. hahaha good one genius!!
AHAHAH MY MAN! this is hilarious. everyone else is hating cuz they dont have a sense of humor. true story i actually had a girl period on my finger so this is hilarious for me. :)
1) as a guy that has been fingering girls when they got their period a few times in my life, i don't really get how thats less gross than him bleeding on her....
2) as for the transmission part, stop making shit up 11:07 pulled a proper answer already
3) this chick's vagina must have teeth
A. That's terrible
B. You're all a bunch of fucking idiots for thinking genital herpes & warts are the same as oral herpes & warts and that they switch hosting sites like it's no one's business... webmd motherfuckers.
What about your blood in her vagina? That might actually freak me out more than the wart. PLEASE tell her so she can get tested and treated if necessary.
Hey fuck tards herpes and hpv are very differnt things! One is like cock acne and u can get meds to supress it and still get some
Hpv u spread even with no warts! Pay attention in health class fuck heads
I just read all the replies to this and jesus fuck... this is some funny shit. But seriously... that's fuckin sick... get your wart infested hands out of peoples Vajajays!!
We're all missing the 2 main points here. 1. How the hell does a wart rip off in a vagina? is that possible? 2. Did someone mention a busted vein in a dick? is that possible? Please elaborate.
I am rather troubled by 2 facts. First, your wart ripped off while fingering someone?! Second, the girl cried when she got her period?? O.o
Sounds to me like some sick pervert molesting some preteen girl. He forced himself on her violently which ripped off his wart, then when she thought she got her period, she cried because the overwhelming stress she was already under from this sick nutjob!
She figured it out once you got your wart infested finger out of her and there was no more blood. Give the girl some credit. She is laughing at you and telling all her friends how gross you are. You'll never get laid again.
9:58.. you dont get genital warts from being fingered by someone with a wart on their get it from the HPV virus. know a little about what your exposing yourself to and you might not get caught up with something.
maybe he had been picking at the wart or something and then it came off, and they bleed a lot because they are rooted deep in your skin. the girl probably cried because he pulled his finger out and noticed a lot of blood and freaked out and then she saw and was totally embarrassed and thought she started her period.
Only way I can get the wart on my knuckle off is rubbing on concrete or slicing it with a box cutter. I punched a punching machine and it came off but that only happened once. This is fake.
June3:11:07pm. If someone touches you with a hand wart, and you then touch the area with your hand, you can get it. ALSO, it can travel through the body- touching a genital wart will result in you having genital warts (not warts on your hand). That piece of information is (irresponsibly) lacking from that information, wherever you found it.
It's spelled "PLANTAR" warts and it's caused by HPV - the same virus that causes genital warts and cervical cancer. And yes, it is transmissible - just like oral herpes can be transmitted to the genitals.
1) You are an idiot, sir.
2) Your girlfriend most likely deserved the wart in vag, as she clearly didn't care to even look at your hands before the incident.
douche? all signs point to yes.
wait, i thought HPV was diff than genital warts, or that some strains of HPV cause warts...luckily i'm monogamous so I don't have to educate myself on least i know the diff btwn plantar warts vs. genital. Plus, on full moons i suffer from vaginal dentata, BWAH HA AH AH AHHH!
Perhaps we should check fingers in leu of lips before exposure/cunnalingus
LMAO this is great. and to everyone who was asking why she cried and thought it was her period, if that were me i would be mortified too and sometimes fingering can induce your period for just that moment because that happened to my roommate. so it's definitely possible, and it's definitely embarrassing. and honestly if i were in that situation i would almost rather think it was me and be embarrassed then know that some dude's wart is chillin in my vag, how sick lol. all and all though, funny ass text.
DUDE, are you a fucking retard....genital warts...thats for should have to fucking marry her or something for payment, nobodys gonna want her now
how much do wart wounds bleed that she would actually think it was a period? honestly. must have had his whole finger bloody with her shrapnel lined vag
Ok u idiot ... did u kno that period lasts more than one day? Hahaha...that means that the next day she prob realized that it wasn't her....But it doesn't fkn matter cuz u made this shit up anyway
maybe she was crying because she was being molested by a weird ass with warty fingers, or maybe it was her first period ever. either way, you can never underestimate the depths reached by a truly sick fuck.
every ones freaking out cuz the guys sick......,uh heres a better question WHAT KIND OF PUSSY FUCKIN CRYS WHEN THEY GET THEIR PERIOD??????? i mean seriosly i dont sweat when i get mine
A. I vomited in my mouth.
B. I'm guessing none of these anonymous posts are from MDs.
C. I'm thinking "victims" should start being punished. Rule 2443728 - don't let a guy with warts on his hands finger you. The end.
To the 'tard that said there is a difference between genital warts and plantars warts -
Plantars warts are on your feet, so unless he was toe-fucking her, we don't have a problem.
If you've got warts on your junk, you've got genital warts.
YOU should learn your shit, asshole.
For those saying it's not possible to transmit from genital strains to other body regions, you are incorrect. From a physician, it is definitely possible.
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