yeah...all of you saying you had kids at an early age and dont regret it, you're not old enough to regret it for the most part. most of you probably have your parents helping you out TONS financially and having them take care of your kids sometimes. wait until you hvae to do it all on your own
just b/c someone gets pregnant doesn't mean they are stupid/slutty. for anyone in the initial poster's position - there are options. getting pregnant is only the end of the world if you aren't willing to deal with the consequences of those options. you essentially have three options and if you don't choose quickly, the choice ultimately gets made for you. good luck.
Wow, crazy how ignorant some people are. Most people have had a situation like this or similar to it. If you say you don't, you are probably lying. It happens. Hopefully everything turns out ok, don't panic.
I know this probably isn't the place for intelligent debate (see above), but I gotta say, statistics bear out that, on average, a girl who gets pregnant as a teenager actually receives less government aid (welfare, food stamps, etc.) relative to the taxes she pays than a girl from the same economic background who doesn't. I'm not saying all girls should go out and get pregnant at 14 or something, but yeah, LOTS of teenage mothers end up being productive, useful members of society.
@12:12AM, not sure if you are aware but the pill doesn't do much in the way of std's so using both doesnt seem like a bad idea. It only takes one time getting itchy crotch from Ms." I'm on the Pill" to make one a little more careful.
Re: um how would that fuck up your life? i'm 18 and have the most wonderful life and 2 year old.
You probably never had a chance of getting out of the trailer park, anyway.
There's no reason good enough for having a child at 16. Gimme a break! I'm a 30 year old mother of a 7 year old. At 23, I thought I was too young to have a child. She's 18 now and says she's happy?! I wonder how happy she's going to be when she realizes that her young adulthood has evaporated into thin air. Having a child is no joke. You sacrifice yourself so your child is your only priority. Good luck to that first poster.
"Anonymous said...
Re: Our president was born to a young mother. I suppose that whore should have kept her legs shut too...
Oh dear god we could only have hoped
Whoever said teenage pregnancy wasn't shameful has never been around a pregnant teenager.
Why is it always keep your legs closed and not keep the mouse in house? It takes two to make a baby.
6:47 - This "free to be you and me" crap is partly why that 18 year old has a 2 year old and will probably be a grandmother by 35. If teenage motherhood is a little more shameful, it wouldn't be as rampant.
wow... people are so judgemental. i'm not saying it's right for a girl at 16 to get pregnant, but at least she's making the most of it and is happy. i'm sure half of the people on here were having sex when they were 16 and it's an ACCIDENT that happened to her! some people can use protection and still have an accident. everyone should just grow up.
you're all assholes. And it's obvious you're not getting laid, or you would understand that even with protection and being careful, sometimes shit happens.
Hi. I got pregnant at 17. I was on the pill, and using a condom. Shit happens.
I'm in college, supporting myself, and my son is great. I'm not on welfare or any government programs.
Seriously. People make mistakes, it's how they deal with those mistakes that makes them who they are.
Haha clearly the ones who feel the need to berate others are masking feelings of insufficiency. What are you covering for? The fact that you're actually the one in a dead end job, lack education, social skills, loved ones, or are you just a jackass with a little dick?
Re: The president was born to a young mother...
Notice that Ann Dunham is not our President (by the way she was 19 when she had Barack. 19 is graduated from high school and legally an adult). Barack Obama is our president because he didn't start having kids till he was 37...
I've never laughed so much in my life! Also, give me a break with this teenage parents shouldn't be judge and that those are ignorant for doing so preachings. Let's keep it real! What the Hell are you doing having a child before you are old enough to even vote?! You're a child yourself! You should be worried about the big math test you have to study for. Not worrying about little Timmy's doctor's appt during said math test.
8:35 - Or maybe they're people who didn't make horrible decisions or retarded mistakes and feel a little disrespected at people suggesting that getting knocked up at age 16 is just as acceptable as actually being a productive member of society. Hmm.
Go @ 5:02!!
If its a planned pregnancy then theres nothing wrong with it :)
I think in this text though it was most likely an unplanned pregnancy by someone who was sleeping around...
It says that she got two pink lines.
Then she asks if it's bad.
"Only if you DIDN'T want to fuck up your life"
It's only bad if she didn't want to fuck it up.
So it's a win.
"Anonymous said...
Re: um how would that fuck up your life? i'm 18 and have the most wonderful life and 2 year old.
You probably never had a chance of getting out of the trailer park, anyway. "
oh, Bristol Palin :sigh:
11:20 i am so sorry you are part of the unfortunate 2% that gets screwed by contraceptives. no pun intended. but for reals, you should probably not be having sex. with your luck, it'll be conjoined twins next...
I'm not sure what is better a planned pregnancy at 16 or an unplanned pregnancy at 16. Either way it's fucked up and stupid unless you need extra farm hands in that case it's genius and economically sound.
I had my first child at 20 and my second at 23. Neither were planned, just because I was a few years older, does that make it better? I don't see how it can, as at nearly 27 years old I feel just as mature as I did back then.
Stop judging people based on age. I know women my age who are married and have jobs that would be horrible mothers, but 16 year olds who would be great mothers.
Even at 23 I feel a baby would fuck up my life. But that's my life, I don't expect it to be anyone elses. But people who think jokes about domestic violence are ever appropriate have way more to worry about
There is nothing irresponsible about having an abortion. And if you don't, I'm sure you won't consider your kid a fuckup. But I would choose the abortion.
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