dude I'm not 100% but I think your mom is sexting me.
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Go for the gold. When you see her give her a hug, and see if she lingers then look her in the eyes as you break contact make maintain it as you smile at her.
Ready the condoms! Its cougar season, boys!
I'm a mother lover your a mother lover. We should fuck each other mothers.
How can you be unsure?
You mother fucker!
@tappinass, wouldn't it be finch instead of the stiffmeister?
Grab that net and catch that beautiful butterfly, pal!
Oh Naples, why does such a thing like this NOT surprise me?!
I think its your dad.
Maybe his little sister borrowed his mom's phone
tell her if I'm a rookie I must be Blake griffin
break out the rifles! its cougar season, boys!
This is why it is inappropriate to text the team mom of your soccer team..
Oh fort myers.
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