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  • That1- that was epic. Props

    Submitted by hansolo22 on Apr 14, 11 at 7:15pm
  • Sing it with me, folks:\n"If you like pina klonopin, passing out on the train,\n If you're not into seizures, if you're light on your brain.\n If you like eating ribs at midnight, while you're lost on the cape\nYou're the whore that I've looked for, come with me and escape. "

    Submitted by that1person on Apr 14, 11 at 11:14am
  • Wow mixing pills and going to class, you should film it and put it on YouTube

    Submitted by CMoney12391 on Apr 13, 11 at 6:30pm
  • Horrible idea. You might as well just roofie yourself in Detroit wearing a skirt....

    Submitted by dthbrngr on Apr 13, 11 at 3:51pm
  • Hmm, I'm partial to benzos. They take the edge off so nicely when you don't overdo it. To avoid a persistent vegetative state, however, go light on the booze with the clonnies.

    Submitted by bobkat on Apr 14, 11 at 4:49am
  • I would love to know what that is pinas, like bad could it really be???

    Submitted by mrvnsblom on Apr 13, 11 at 5:44pm
  • someone's been watching Very Mary Kate religiously.

    Submitted by nohomo2420 on Apr 13, 11 at 8:01pm
  • love me some klonopin. little rays of sunshine...

    Submitted by kristi61386 on Jun 27, 12 at 1:45am
  • Why the fuck not? I know I would.

    Submitted by myklg on Apr 14, 11 at 1:59am
  • K pins and Xanax are bad. Percs mollys and e bombs are the only acceptable pills

    Submitted by krazybobblehead on Apr 13, 11 at 3:27pm