Next year we will be 30 and no more shots during the week.
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Expect the following text in 2021: "Next year we will be 40 and no more shots during the week."
Then how will you get through the week?
Next year your life will just begin...
Famous last words...
That's when drinking gets fun!
that is SO not true
Punch that bitch in the stomach!!
Why not?
Wait, so I only have nine more years to take shots during the week??
I find it sad that people who are 29 actually use this site.
What ever happened to firsty? They were my favorite troll ever. :(
Aww, really? :) Here, take this pretzel as a gift..
that didnt last long for me
Well 11 more years for me!
Just face the facts, you are an alcoholic.
wow... judgmental much.
looks like someone got cowardice for their 30th birthday
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