That's what I am saying. \nNot only is this an example of that, it's also food for thought on story telling ability and point of view. He probably feels about himself the way other readers have. Maybe it's a form of contrition. Or maybe he's just good at telling a story, choosing the right words and still displaying sentence economy. \n\nOr whatever. I mean--fuck 'im. rabble rabble rabble.
Oh and I bet you know allllll about "real men," right, DustyBallz? People like you make people like you look like douche bags. But, like you said, it's human nature get over it.
oh shut up. the reason you have trouble trusting us is cause you wont shut up enough to let us try. and your mood can go from amazing to demon in 2.5 bitchy seconds
won't shut up to let you try? how is your girlfriend finding you sat in a restaurant with another girl on a date trying? \ngirls and guys can be massive dicks and cheat but I think that is an all-new low. \nIts not sexism, girls can do it too. As a human being, this person is what we Brits like to call "a massive bell-end".
Submitted by
on Jan 15, 12 at 12:22pm
Omg. I totally disagree and think that this reply is some projecting. Take it to therapy. However. That last part was brilliant and I'll definitely be using a form of that. Like:\n...went from "She's All That" to "Real Housewives" in 2.5 bitchy seconds." I love it.
I mean, obviously he knows and is choosing to share and add humor to the story. If he told the story differently, you probably wouldn't dislike him as much. Maybe it's intentional.
haha.. wow, I'm glad you got caught, now she can go find someone better, someone worth showing that kind of consideration and effort.
Hope you never find anyone as good, cunt.
The hilarity of your absurd assholery has amused me this day. I thank you. May you continue to document the ways in which you show the world how awful of a human being you are.
girls are fucked, hahaha. we get cheated on, fucked and left, assumed crazy for little to no reason (most often), and can't sleep around exactly like guys for fear of being deemed sluts. damn it...
who goes out on dates when theyre cheating? isnt it for that exact reason affairs are typically in seedy motels across town or the back of your parents minivan?
im pretty sure if she got a second job for him she wasnt cheating on him. at least get a dumb girl to cheat on, like the one who said that she was probly doing the same thing.. theres a nice, stupid one for you.
loser, im sure shes doing much better without you.
sucks that this was made up. i don't really understand the point of posting made-up shit but whatever.
also, i can't believe you people analyze whether things are fake or real. what a waste of your time.
but seriously. this site rejects soooo much that's wayyy funnier than this. i don't get it.
Damn. This is why girls turn into bitches. And why they turn into lesbians. And If i had been her I would have went and got the pot of hot coffee and poured it in your fuckin lap and walked out the front door. Peace Bitch.
Well guys... If u look all the way at the bottom, and I mean ALL the way lol u will see that someone told him to post it on FML so who knows if he copied it from some one or some one copied for him! Ppl on this are stupid and mean this is suppose to be a fun site not a fucking bitchin forum!
I hope you die. You are a waste for thinking like that. You (if you ever get a girl at all) are the predator type, looking for girls that tend to be heavily dependent on people, and always get into bad/abusive relationships. If I had power, and a dick, i would make you my bitch and sell you on the street corner. after i finished with you, i would put you through excruciating mental and physical torture before discarding you.
Lmfaoooo, you guys are so whiney. Who gives a fuck the world isn't going to quit spinning for you. So keep calling the guy from the fake text an asshole and a dickhead and all that good stuff, where is it going to get you? Nowhere.
Wow, you're just one step above the lowest of the low. The lowest of the low would be if you had slept with another girl but hey, you probably did that as well. You give the male sex a bad reputation. Karma's a bitch.
jackass. that is such a horrible thing to do. how do you think that makes her feel? she definitely loves you enough to get a second job for your birthday present, and this is what you do. she deserves someone better.
THIS GUYS THE MAN... sorry that you got so much bad luck budd. hopefully next time ur girl aint a bitch and will tell u that she has a job. but keep ur head up cuz now u can find a girl and take her out w/o having to worry about some stupid bitch u wont care about 5 weeks from now.
Wow dude. Your a prick. Kama is a bitch muhfucka!:] have a nice fucking life and when someone does you dirty like this, don't whine.
Oh and to you who posted something on June 10, 2009 at like 1:46: your a dumb douche bag who obviously needs to figure out how to write. And putting it as your fb status? Woww ha no life?:]
sucks this was made up... it's pretty hilarious. i send real shit that's way funnier and it never gets posted. i think the people who run this site are anti-nj.
she deserved it. women are whores. if you disagree with this, check who fills for the most no fault divorces and still take alimony and half of someone else's money.
i don't even know what else to say except FUCK YOU! even if that was made up, the fucking asshole shit face bitch who wrote that deserves to die alone. with crabs. and a dog eating his face.
Horrible horrible person, at least you can try an play it off as you and a co worker were having lunch and your boss would be there soon to join. That is how you dont get caught.
Maybe the gf wasn't doing something that didn't get the guy satisfied enough for him to go around and cheat? People don't cheat for a thrill, there are reasons behind the actions.
Whew I don't think all these guilt trips that people are attempting to send you on are even necessary. If you don't feel like utter shit, you lack a soul.
This is fake for the following reasons.
1. No one gets a second job to buy someone a birthday gift. Christmas would be plausible because people actually do that to buy gifts for their family.
2. The girlfriend isn't mentioned by name, if he confides in this person enough to admit that he is cheating then he would obviously know the girlfriend's name.
3. I think I saw this in a shitty movie once, It might have starred Kate Hudson. I'm not really sure, it was on while I was fucking your mother.
Hahaha absolutely awesome! Why is everybody crying about it. Get of your high horses and enjoy the situtation you sad fucks! Virtual high 5 dude, it's genius!
you definitely fucking deserve it.
a girl that cares about you that much that she got a second job to buy you a girt and your going to go on a date with someone else??
your fucking scum you asshole
lol, I've been in similar situations before. Hate having to explain shit like this. Any who, seems like a lot of the women on this site have been cheated on and are probably single. Kudos to the future raging feminists of the world. :]
Did they both do some tv show shit and dump two sodas on you, high five eachother an walk away? Or some cheaters type shit an go all ghetto on you or eachother.
May 15, 2009 4:56AM- You sir know how to make relationships work
"Admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter accusations"...Such a dick phrase but it's true
i love how pissed off the people on this site get about shit like this. oh i meant the women, not the people.
but still, it was an epic failure of an affair. A for effort though. maybe next time.
who gives a shit... if you aren't one of the girls... or the guy... SHUT UP and enjoy the post... get on with your boring life and file something at your dead end job.
Odds are is the bitch probably deserved it. and if she didnt, your actions are a testiment to men who have gotten screwed over by girls nationwide. You're no asshole when the cunt deserved every bit of that. Fuck her and the 50 hour double job work week. Happy Birthday and Cheers to you.
cheaters always get caught so don't try to get away with it guys.. we will always catch u so grow up and be faithful and maybe u then can be part of this society
Bet you feel like an asshole!! Lol thats pretty low man. I'll be waiting to read your next post that will say "just cought my new gf cheating on me..." and ill be laughing my ass off!!!
whatever atleast they were only bf/gf cheaper to get rid of cuz its free!!! and to the girl that was cheated on girl, ur better than him he doesnt deserve u anyway,to the guy quit ur games cause u aint got game..proven, women have more game than men!!
^Couldn't agree more. 'Cept I am a woman, but that just means I get more what you mean about women making mountains out of molehills etc.
Course, this is kind of an argument for interrelationship discussion, isn't it? Talking to your gf, and finding out where she works. Hmm. Do your homework mate.
I wooda said it was my friend from church who was helping me find Jesus and I would have had my foot in the other girls pussy and if she said anything I would have pushed hard enough to shut her up
bro i'm gonna teach you a phrase that will change your whole outlook on shit.... admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter accusations. if your're never wrong then they are never right.
he didn't necessarily ask for the gift maybe she wanted to surprise him with an awesome present and had to get a second job to afford it. ever think of that?
Hahahahaha wow look at how offended the women get because they prolly been cheated on. But a girl will turn on her best friend for a dude or won't give a fuck about the other girl if that's the dude they like. So stop fronting. Either way serves him right for being stupid.
i dont know man, that just a major dick move. so is cheating on a girl in general. the one time i ever did i had met a way better girl and tried calling my girlfriend to end things before i did anything, but she didnt answer. all i did was make out with the girl and i ended up dumping my girlfriend the next day, but even with that i still feel bad.
GOOD FOR YOU! Don't tie yourself down so young, keep one on the leash while you slyly go around and nail anything else that will let you. Don't worry about all of these haters, they're just pissed because they cant get ONE, let alone TWO people to be with them.
women are objects, sorry you got caught bro. it woulda been sick if you got the present then immediately broke the news to her about some other girl bobbing ur slob
I'm pretty sure I saw this on FML.
Someone on FML might have ripped this off since FML is the recent one.
Or the ex-girlfriend just happened to post it on FML and the cheating boyfriend just happened to post it on TFLN.
I don't care what y'all say, this is funny shit. Imagine the convo that took place. Wonder if she kept the job after the cussing she was doin or was she pro about it and just took their orders. Ha ha
With the cooment of men not being able to be trusted... I agree with that for about 80% of the male population.. I am happily a part of the other 20% ive never cheated and never will because im smart and know the joy of my girlfriend and dont wanna deatroy it
so...girls who expect to not be cheated on are raging feminists? and ppl who are upset about this situation must be single and lonely? 5 years and going strong with my guy and we're both pissed about this.
You are all fags and just can't get A girl while you bitch about guys that can get more then one. Quit crying and learn how to play the game and quit being lame. Good job dude on to the next!!
honestly the sad part is....a guy would not get an extra job to buy a girl a present, and still see someone else. A WOMAN on the other hand would get an extra job, buy you a great present, and still be f-in another dude.
Sure the majority of us are emotionless, myself included, however this is illogical and wrong. If your girlfriend bought you something so expensive she had to get a secret job, why the hell cheat on her?! Plus, if she's willing to get the job, she can probably give you a "job" just as easily.
alright first. i hope this actually did happen. 2nd, if it didn't your just as fucked up for coming up with this shit in your head as you would be for doing that.
I know it's already been said, but there's a reversed version on FML about this. Just it's the girl cheating and the guy was trying to buy an engagement ring.
Wow. That was mature of you. It's great that you can't even post a real name. Anonymous? Clever. If you honestly think the guy isn't an asshole, you must be the guy who went on the date with the other girl. It's ridiculous that guys can just sit by and tell guys it's okay to cheat cause it makes them awesome. Why is it that if girls do it, we're automatically sluts? Grow up.
you tell him lalala. for real you're a douche. have you ever had a girlfriend. guys like this and probably you are the reason the guys who actually give a shit about a girl can't get them because they're afraid of getting hurt again. fuck you and whoever this guy is. i hate guys like you with a passion
Wow dude... You brought it on yourself by cheating, you stupid cunt. I hope they both break up with you and tell everyone what a lying, cheating asshole you are and you never find a person as loving and considerate as your ex.
ppl who keep saying it's probably her own fault...go die or something. no one deserves to be cheated on, especially when she's putting in extra effort for the guy! i hope it is made up because this just breaks my heart.
Do you feel like a dick hole now? Were you and the whore you went out with having fun or sex after your girlfriend dumped you? I mean the whore had to be worth it at least.
for real you're a douche. guys you are the reason the guys who actually give a shit about a girl can't get them because they're afraid of getting hurt again. fuck you!! i hate guys like you with a passion
Since I, obviously, had nothing else better to do today I read a lot of these comments.LMAO to most of them. He got what he deserved. Hopefully he learned his lesson, but in my opinion I don't think all the BS said on here is really necessary. It takes two people to make a relationship and it takes two to break it. THERE IS TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY!!! \nBTW here is some advice for the ladies: IF YOU KEEP YOUR MAN PLEASED AT HOME HE WONT HAVE TO GO SOME WHERE ELSE TO FIND IT!!!\nJUS SAYIN!!!!!
The question that I'm not seeing here is: What present do you get a dude that you have to get a second job for? The only thing I can think of is a busload of coke.
soooo you are the reason we have lesbians... not like cute lesbians that you nasty guys have fascinations about, but the kind that just hate men. So there you go, fuck head.
blah blah blah people make mistakes. if you believe in karma good for you. how do you know this girl isnt doing the same thing. blah blah blah girls will be girls "omg guys are such assholes"
ps this is a girl too.
girls like you are the reason guys just hit it and quit it...^
Don't go giving her a big tip just because you know her. If she makes your date uncomfortable or anything she needs a small tip or no tip at all so she'll learn her lesson.
for real you're a douche. guys like you are the reason the guys who actually give a shit about a girl can't get them because they're afraid of getting hurt again. fuck you!! i hate guys like you with a passion
Fuckin asshole. U cheat on a girl then she cheats. And u just worsened the cycle. Maybe she won't cheat but she'll have trust issues because of your pathetic ass
Did she give you a discount at least? If shes terrible enough to drive you to cheating, then thats the least she can do for putting up with her as long as you did!
The perfect example of: Piece Of Shit (at it's finest....) \n\nThere *may* not be shittier excuses for horrible human beings out there! So far, this one takes the cake!
Yes, this guy is an asshole. Most guys aren't like that, though. It's just that most girls will happen to run into a few of these guys in their lives, and they'll be the exes that they focus on. Aside from that, they can't say for sure that other exes WEREN'T cheating, just that those were. So... no. This does not represent 80% of the male population. I just wish it didn't represent any of either the male or female population.
I hope you realized just how great of a woman you just let go of. Actually you didn't even have the balls to do that, you decided to cheat instead. Little bitch I hope this is a lesson learned
Submitted by
on Mar 23, 12 at 11:37pm
what a sweet loving girl to get a job just to buy you something nice for your special day. and she was dating a total asshole. i hope you fucked the other slut and got AIDS.
I can't decide which is more funny,the txt or the posts of dumb bitches who've been hurt and now are venomous whores and use men being assholes as an excuse.HAHA suck it you evil sluts!
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