you grabbed my dick through my pants and hissed at me.
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Better hit that before the crazy out weighs the hot.
I think at that point the crazy had already outweighed the hot son.
Snooki want Smoosh Smoosh
I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Raw feeling, huh? You may want to get that looked at.
Is it just me or does most dick-grabbing-through-pants seem to happen awkwardly rather than sexily?
This is one of the best I've seen on here. That is exactly how I will greet my hubby from now on!!!
thats all the raw feeling i need
Desperate girls<3
sounds like a scene from season 3 of true blood...
Well... That's certainly one way to get someone's attention....
Yourconscience, epic south park quote.
good thing you stayed away from that shit... sounds like you'da had a raw dick afterwords.
Is the bitch ten feet tall and blue?
Raw feeling? Like the raw feeling of having an infection down there?
Don't let her give you head, she might bite it off with all that "RAW FEELING" she has such an abundance of.
Fatal Attraction anyone?
Now that would go well on a tshirt. *plug*
Asshole I love u and u are going to post nation wide. Well geuss what you might want go to the docter because I have CRABS!!!! Hahaha
Should have hit it while it was that hot to go.
Write more it's turning me on 8===>
@savagejay that's a quote from Better Off Ted.
Why would somebody even waste there time posting this
shes fierce!! lol
Let's have a sword fight <====8
waaaaaat? o. O
Raw Feeling = smack that bitch 'til she is tied down or she runs away.
Thats a keeper right there!!!
first!...again! what!
hell yeah bro...getting first is what's up
totally bro, i've always wanted to be first. just got my third one! hat trick! another item off the bucket list. time to pound some nattys in my lax penny
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