I've done unspeakable things to your penis. I have every right to give it a name.
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The beaver cleaver?
you can give him an alias, but you will never know his real name. he is in witness protection
What's wrong with naming it anyway??
Pepe le pue!
I named my last bf Alexander the great.... Hi name was Alex.
His I bet is TINY TIM
Lol! Showin some ownership!
Hahahaha love it! XD
Funny how you can name a car or penis but naming a vagina just seems completely jacked up
She's right u kno
Herm the Sperm Worm....
Mister Tinks...
Classy CT, claaa-say
Who names their junk anyways?! Really now! My ex once referred to his penis by name and I told him to gtfo of my bed...
King kong
ha, me and my girl's genitals are named Elvis and Priscilla...
But what could REALLY be the unspeakable? There's not much that doesn't include violence, vomit or feces...wait...=]
Omfg, Billy! That's what I named my boyfriend's ting-ting!
Hahahahahaha RALPH!!!
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