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  • Nor do they expect you to be naked and covered in goats blood. That one really freaks out the mormons too...

    Submitted by Valkyrie on Sep 25, 10 at 5:38pm
  • Door to door salesman still exist? Who the fuck buys something from a stranger at the door?

    Submitted by charlie_murphy on Sep 25, 10 at 7:47pm
  • Oh but it makes the sale easier when you are.

    Submitted by 5UPTOWN5 on Sep 25, 10 at 4:21pm
  • Makes the sale easier and more likely to put out too.

    Submitted by Michguy on Sep 25, 10 at 5:32pm
  • Also doesn't expect you to be naked with a boner.

    Submitted by 5UPTOWN5 on Sep 25, 10 at 11:17pm
  • Ha ha no, no they don't.

    Submitted by waterdrops on Sep 25, 10 at 6:28pm
  • Nor does he expect you to be high...

    Submitted by lonniemcgrover on Sep 25, 10 at 10:59pm
  • Last sales guy at the door I answered drunk. I guessed the name of his girl right, said she was inside and I was fucking her. Closed the door. He pounded on it and screamed. I called the cops. They showed and I think he lost his job. Epic day!

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Sep 25, 10 at 7:22pm
  • And after your sober explain it you get really drunk and say "what now bitch"

    Submitted by prometheus on Sep 26, 10 at 2:34am