He cut you off when you said Paula Dean was in your soul...He kicked you out when "Paula" started eating random peoples food
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well, at least they weren't possesed by the other Paula and running around stealing peoples meds.
second paula deen post in a week... second paula deen post in a week that cant get DEEN right...
why would anyone care?
When the zombies come, random people will eat you.
the internet is good for more than porn, look it up
"ya'll Gunna eat that? If Not I'll deep fry it in buttah and gobble it down!"
Nothing taste better than free food.
Who the fuck is Paula?
Are the sharks treated like Indians treat cows? Is it a week where seedy loan offerers get bought a free round?
Is the digits for area code? If so I'm in 403
Well your spelling isn't so try for me anyway
Palm trees
Yeah, bluegirl, nobody is smart enough to figure that out like you, thanks! Or, maybe I was 8 beers and 4 shots down, not sitting next to a computer on Friday night, tool.
Mmm... This put me in the mood for food that will slowly kill me....
This is embarrassing, but Australia doesn't know what shark week is. Can someone please tell me so I can tell the rest?
"I don't trust anythin' without a stick uh buttah in it"
Shark week is a week of sharks.. On the discovery channel.
Shark week is selfexplanitory asshole
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