come over i need a lifeguard for my shower
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Que the Porno music....
As a lifeguard.... This line would totally work!
I'm certified lol
Epic WIN!!!!!!
I'm a lifeguard and I'm trained in CPR ;)
Jersey number!!! Il be yourlifegaurd if ur a guy ;)
I usually need this exact same thing when I've been drinking.
My name is Joe ill be over I work at Seneca dunes next to brick beach 1.
Well im a fireman and we do it better
Sounds like a good pickup line to go use at the beach! Yes this could have potential!
I am a lifeguard to. Booyah
I'm an Ellis
Red light, green light!
these pretzels are making me Firsty
Conserve water. Shower with a buddy
screw them i'd get baywatch.
I have nothing to say to this.....
Why post then? Hardeeharhar...
Totally have to use this...
Being a lifeguard I find this quite funny. Maybe a chick will ask me this question in college.
I love this, this would make a great shirt
Ok no probs. 732 seven seven eight 4147. Text me next time you have this problem.
Fail... How many prank calls have you received so far?
no one cares dumbass. die in a fire.
Is someone having a bad day? Now, now mistorw gwumpy turwn that fwown upside down :D
Legendary. I wil be using that one. Awesome.
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