her bridesmaids come in huge, huger, wtf, and free willy. all their gown are strapless. its like watching the Hindenburg waddle down the isle.
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I'm sure there were skinny ones there...they just didn't survive breakfast. Moment of silence for them....
this may be the greatest measuring system ever created.
Well, at least the bride went all the way to ensure she was the prettiest there.
So, which one did you end up fucking?
Sounds like you need to buy a harpoon.
Wow, this is funny, I wonder what WTF looked like.
Best. Wedding description. Ever.
With whale friends like that, she must have REALLY low self esteem.
Thar she blows
That is the smartest bride ever!! I should of had some rhinos up there with me to make me look good...
Oh my fucking god this is funny
step11.... funniest shit ever!!! :)
Hahahahahahahah I love this one!!!
shallow jerks
Oh the humanity!!!
Hilarious... Win.
Omg I feel bad for laughing but that's hilarious!
Hahaha funny thing re: this post is that we all know this dude will be all over the fleshy ones...
Lmfao. By far the funniest tfln I have read.
man the harpoons
Hey Buddah...funniest comment ever, so fucking clever!!
Did you "harpoon" any of them?
*aisle. I'm surprised nobody corrected that yet, with as many grammar Nazis as we have on this site.
Play Count The Rolls!
"with fronds like these, who needs anemones?"
That's Kirkland girls for ya....choose the bridesmaids that make them look better!
My brother's wedding was like this. haha\nFor Gods sake, Caterpillars
Man the harpoons!
Hide the children!
Just keep their skin wet and get 'em back in the water before the clock strikes midnight or they'll be stuck in their human form forever.
Freakin' awesome....
Oh, the huge manatee!
That's so fucked up
Dude...that's funny as hell!
Ahahahaha "wtf"
Here comes free willy! Here comes free willy!
Hope he went with free willy for the irony.\n\nWord up Step11. May they rest in piece(s).
Damn that's so mean hahah. Time to hit the gym ladies!
Haha dear god this is hilarious. That has to be the smartest bride ever
Lmao. Why would anyone put thumbs down to this?? \n\nOh wait...fat girls did. :)))
That sir is fuking awesome
Kdean90, even if you should HAVE had those rhinos up there, they would HAVE needed to correct you as well, still leaving you embarrassed! :/
Standards definitely going up around here.
Oh WA.. What has it come to?? \n\n\nPS I wanna see what wtf size is!
Step11, fucking funniest comment! Freaking killed me. Thanks
They were chased in by GreenPeace. Took them 2 days to get to the wedding cause they kept dragging them back out to sea
I just loled all over myself.
Agreed with babydoll
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