In a tragic sexting typo, I typed the word "blobjob". Now she's coming over and I have no idea what I'm in for...
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Urban Dictionary gives you several options, your choice depending how fat she is and if she's on her period!
I suddenly feel sad. I thumbs upped this comment and changed the number from 69 to 70. :(
She's not coming. Her fat friend is.
i'll take a blobjob and assume the risk of not knowing what it could be
I call Rule 34.
I imagine you got chocolate on your dick, and not the good kind...
Sounds like a grenade's gonna give u head. The situation.
how do you end up hitting b instead of w? on any keyboard you look at they're nowhere near each other...
Eh well yeah.... Just roll with it.
I haven't got q blobjob since nam
Do you like water sports?
A blobjob probably
Is it sad if I seriously can't stop laughing at this?
Isn't that somewhere between (or a combination of) a blowjob and a boobjob?
Blobjob is just a fuckup when you're messing around... You know. Sexually.
Hey Bro,\nThis has probably already passed but anyways,\nAssume you are getting a blow job if not some other sort of piece...\nGood work bro, that text was definitely good! even though the typo...
Lol it's probally some crazy thing that envolves a 9 inch nail your pee hole and a hammer
Oh and قاسمخفبن٣٨ خкшщхηκψכחגו那覇羽\nたは하ㅗгллгнщщжпточфњљขยสดขนทодбн比厂已心山女,ㄇㄝ weird letters ftw
Fucking moron.
Maybe she's fat and youre renaming all aspects of sex to encompass her obesity.
Go fuk yourself
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