We had sex in the woods. It was great until some bird started mimicking my orgasm sounds
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Quoth the raven, "Unh! Nnnn... Oooooohhh..."
that was just me in a big bird costume...can't get privacy anywhere these days...
was it a woodpecker?
it's like the non-family friendly version of Poke-a-hotness!
Ladies and gentlemen the 21st century Snow White
That wasn't birds you were being watched by pervy teen boys!!! Lol
Must have been a turkey (gobblegobble)
Where were you, a rainforest?
@Imgr8nu Stop. Just stop.\n@buzzcut You sir get a gold star for comedy.
Its a mockingbird....just saying
After that the forest had some eerie "ow!" sound
Maybe you were mimicking the bird
Then it was perfect
Mother nature approves
Did the song ticks come to anyone elses mind?
that wasn't a bird...
Woodpecker!!!! Hahaha. I love it!
@sequioa It didn't have to necessarily be a mockingbird, it could have been a mockingjay. Google that shit.
quote the raven, "nevermore"
What was the sound "noo to early"!!!!
Coulda been worse - u could have been having sex near a slaughterhouse and realized u moan like a dying animal while u r having sex
Dude that's horrible but I give u props for having the balls to say such a thing
Hmmmmmmm would sound like beastality if u were Jacob and Bella
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