I've had cake for breakfast the past 3 days. You tell me how bikini season is going.
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Cake for breakfast for 3 days doesn't do shit. Unless you have the metabolism of a worm.
if you exercise enough then cake does not matter! get off your ass and go on a run to burn off the cake
The cake is a lie.
cake or death
you live by the cake, you die by the cake
um.. cake please!
I had red velevet cake for breakfast last week. It was amazing
Doesn't sounds like a bad thing at all! If you exercised, then the cake really wouldn't make any difference ya lard ass!
Who cares? Hit the gym or stfu
Cake for breakfast is the way to go!
You tell me, how many you tell me texts are gonna get posted.
I've had smores. So I'm there with ya. Lol.
Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.
Hahaha that's funny
Inflamessoilwork that was ecmactly what i was going to say. Oh you gotta love those port-a-shitters
First to say first!
Cake is the breakfast of true Champions!
In soviet Russia , cake eats you 3 days str8 for breakfast
I'm guessing lonely is how the bikini season is going to go muffin.
703 area is hot. Just sayin.
i agree :)
Bikini season sounds like it's going deliciously.
You know the difference between cake and a muffin? Nuffin. Jim gaffigan rocks
Wedding cake is the most fattening substance known to man!
She can't be that bad. I ate apple pie with vanilla ice cream for 5 days and Im still a size 2. Well it does depend on the portion of cake she is enjoying.
i like cak
oh uh? boflex
not good, fatty
You know.. if you didn't eat cake, you yourself could make bikini season suck less for the rest of us.
emerica is gnarly man, respect.
It's ok, white girl, you still rawk
It's booootayyyyyy season.
She fat because she looooove the cake...
I love it when a chick's fat folds completely consume their bikini. Makes em look nakey ;)
Try sniffing coke for breakfast everyday...you'll def lose weight.
how could it even be bikini season if you live in the 703? there's definitely no beaches there and it's cold.
dude. it's so not cold here.
im sitting in the 703 right now, its 102 degrees outside, but nice try(:
then stop eating it fatty
Okay, you're a cottage-cheese-thigh leviathan fatass.
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