Court you're an idiot and you obviously don't live on the Gulf Coast. Yes, the oil spill is that bad as it is in our marshes and destroying our oyster beds. Everyone knew this was bound to happen with over 30k rigs in the Gulf but no one thought it would take them over a month to even get a plan together. So, maybe you should pay attention to the news with this one.
skywalker.. skywalker.. you must be from Louisiana.. Doesn't matter because your obviously to stupid to take a joke, and I live on the coast, the oil spilling into the gulf affects my town and job, but there is nothing I can do about it or you can do about it so yea it's just oil.
You showed that guy making minimum wage employed a franchise of a company you don't approve of!!! Good for you. Now take your goblet back to your d&d game.
Asheon....1: Dont talk shit about the Saints! 2: How about I come and fill your house to the top with you in it and see how you like it?! Shouldn't be a problem for you because it's just oil right? @@
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