Fact: Telling a guy he has erectile dysfunction doesn't solve the problem.
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The main reason it doesn't work is because you are talking instead putting his dick in your mouth. Bj's help cure ED, whining doesn't.
Well no shit.
You were the first of the mother fuckers? Surely there have been people before you that have fucked mothers.
Nah, but telling him to eat you out if he can't perform solves your problem fairly nicely.
Fact: frigid thundercunts like you are one of the main causes of ED. stop yakking, start sucking dick.
Hahahahaha no I bet that wouldn't help at all
Maybe that's the case, or maybe you're far less attractive with your clothes off
Maybe you're too ugly/annoying for his dick to work.
true enough.... :((((
some guys just masturbate too much and can't get it up. pity, really, that they'd rather have their own hand than a girl's mouth or vaj.
Ouch, harsh reality
My dad is a mother fucker....
Lmfao, from a girl to hopefully a girl...don't do that EVER again!
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