He had a huge mole on his dick. Genetics has cockblocked him for life.
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Nice to mole you... meet you. Nice to meet you, Mole. Mole. Moley, moley, moley, moley, moley!
Ribbed for her pleasure...
It's a mole not a damn genital wart. Grow up princess.
I wish I could thumbs up this more.
That's foul I'm glad my dick is moleless
Truer words have never been spoken.
Austin powers could ftw
that blows
Perhaps it isn't a mole after all. You now have genital warts too. Enjoy.
Maybe his mole had a dick!
Was his name Jonnie? Cause I'm from 314 and he had a mark the size of a pong ball
A mole or a birthmark. If it's really a mole he should defitanly have it removed!
Moles aren't genetic so you must be feeling pretty embarrassed right about now...
Grow the fuck up you twat
You saw mj's dick?
Hooray for cervical cancer!
Yeah stl
That would be terrifying to see. Moles already freak me out.
No truer words have been typed...
I mean austin powers quote ftw
I have one too, classify HUGE
Yeah that's weird... Moles are nasty as hell.
Wear a condom; problem solved. DUH
I have a tiny birthmark on my tip. Does that get me cockblocked?
That's gnasty as hell
Of course... The stl
Well that's a "glass half empty" outlook. Why don't you just consider him to have a dick on his huge mole?
That's kinda shallow, but also kinda yuck!
Shallow much? Someday you're going to die alone because you can't get over little things like moles, while this dude is going to be in love and happy with someone who isn't as shallow as you are.
Taste the mole flavor!
That's shallow. But if the mole has depth and actually sticks out, an is growing hair. Then I agree
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