In the end, cut / uncut. Who cares? I might not want to deal with your meaty laibia, or your pancake nipples, or your rank ass breath. But I will and I won't fucking kick up a stink about it because I don't care as long as your cumming. Less hate. More lovin.
Sorry Some of us aren't mutilated at birth. Your vagina would probably be alot prettier if the labia flaps were snipped off a little. I like a nice little coinslot.
Submitted by
on Mar 12, 10 at 11:33am
The girls I've hooked up have been cool and haven't cared about stupid shit like that for the most part. Yes maybe I have gotten less blowjobs from random hookups because of it. I would never date someone who actally cared in the first place though. If someone said "ew gross uncut" I would kick them out of my bed and probably never talk to them again.
Submitted by
on Mar 12, 10 at 12:54pm
Less work for the girl because circumcision severs a lot of nerve endings. Intact men are easier to get off by far and have less problems getting it up and getting off throughout their life. Plus, it feels better and the girl leaves less sore because sex is the same sensation with less friction. No, you don't have to constantly clean it. Just like any genitalia it needs to be washed while showering.
The majority of the nerves are in the tip, there's actually an operation to restore it because a lot of guys who've experienced sex both ways want it back..\n\nTakes an extra 3 to 4 seconds in the shower, who cares?
3:57 pm, your logic is flawed. Cut cocks are desensitized over the years and the uncut penis is more pleasurable during sex. Think of a warrior running around with an unsheathed sword all the time. When it comes time to battle your sword is dull.
Imagine this ladies. Your clit hood gets cut off a few minutes after you pop out your mom, life goes on, you meet a boy, he goes down on you, and freaks the fuck out due to your cut vag. How do you feel?
Speak not of things you know nothing about. You sound smarter that way.\n\nCircumcised or not is perfectly fine, circumcision may be a little easier to maintain but Google "Botched Circumcision" and count your lucky stars. You all just have a social stigma, from excessive pornography I presume, that being cut is "the norm". If you pull statistics, before pornography made it big uncut was MUCH more common.\n\nThe majority of men are circumcised because it makes their cock look bigger. I
When men are uncircumcised they run a high risk of infection.and it smells really bad under the extra skin wen they pull it back if they don't keep up with thier hygene.And a lot of men don't
"high risk of infection"..? \nIt's actually about 1% over a guys entire lifetime.\nFrom a medical perspective circumcision makes even less sense than performing a mastectomy on all teenage girls to prevent breast cancer.\nCircumcision is unnecessary surgery, complications occur about 2% of the time, sometimes requiring amputation.
All you people who are cut are so jealous and angry because your parents mutilated you at birth and you can't do anything about it. So I understand why you would want to put down the "full" man.
What if I told you mine was done because my head was too big for the skin to pull back over, and thus at 16, I chose to have it done... \nI'm not putting down the man who has what looks like a dead fish hanging out of a sharks mouth, Im defending myself against what appears to be a bunch of natural men attacking guys like me who had no option, whether it be parents doing it, or medical reasons.
Lol, what a whore. It's actually more like 55% of guys in the US are circumsized, and you know what? In most other countries you'll have the piss taken out of you if you ARE circumsized, only skanks like you drop for guys with pieces of their cock missing.
Where did you get that info from? Im from the UK, had it cut at 16 due to medical reasons meaning i couldn't pull my foreskin back... not once have i been laughed at...
im happy to have all of my penis... i dont think i'd really care if i was either its not that big of a deal and too all the people that think they look bad, look and see what happens when you pull the skin back, it kinda looks the same :P haha.. and as for the bj part its never been a problem for me atleast
I am a homosexual circumcised male and after all the guys i have seen i must say cut is the best i won't date or sleep with an uncut guy. Parents make the right choice and cut your boys its best and as for the rest the world wrong the trend is to circumcise more than before for medical reasons!
hey I'm not the best person to be arguing this because I too and Homosexual but plenty of my girl friends agree that uncut is nasty and won't touch one with a 10 foot pole
Yeaaahhh.... I'm a guy. I don't care how fucking "good" it feels or whatever. I would kill myself if my dick looked like a fucking rank dumpster pancake. That's just gross. Thank God I'm circumsized.
I like how the uncut guys always have to talk it up like it's the best ever. Poor bastards. There's just nothing better than a beautiful cut cock. Amen.
Uncut rules, why may you ask, well sometimes on the cold nights, it's nice to have a touque. Don't want him getting cold. Ha. So go fuck yourselves, you Nazi helmets.
Something else to consider: a cut cock has no protection from day to day travel, therefore making it more sensitive to touch. Therefore unprotected sex feels better. There is no fighting this claim, think about it ladies, if your little unsheathed button was rubbing up on your panties for about 15 years before a mouth thouched ot do you think it would feel the same as if you were uncut?
That's actually untrue. There are a bunch of nerves in the foreskin that is cut off when one is circumsized, and they make sex much more enjoyable for men.
Actually, the opposite is true\n\na cut cock has no protection from day to day travel, therefore making it LESS sensitive to touch\n\nThink about it, its the same as any other body part. If your hands go through a lot of abuse from work or whatever, they become desensitized.
Submitted by
on Mar 13, 10 at 11:52am
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