i never knew gatorade would taste just as good on the way back up
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Was that before or after your semen intake?
i knew it....why didn't you?
Woot woot
that's, like, the *beauty* of gatorade!
I thought I was the only one who thought this way.
its so true. drink gatorade the morning after and pukings not that bad. lol
soooo true. love it.
I agree. if i have to throw up, i hope i just drank an ice cold gatoraid!
haha yeah...blue gatorade or sprite is the best
def blue or yellow...both delicious
It does!! it really does
i completely agree with the blue statement
doritos are the same way.
Thanks. I can't unread whats been read..
Grape is best. Somehow takes the edge off the vomit. :)
Totally agree. It's a pleasant surprise in the midst of a not-so-pleasant occurance!
Ha! I completely agree.. although the red starts to taste like puke if you drink too much of it- stick to blue.
It's the only thing that comes up as cold as it went down..
hahaha this is true! gatorade is hella good whatever form its in...
this is true. its made the last few days of vomiting bearable!
ginger ale tastes better on the way up, that's the only way i like it the taste.
gatorade tastes the same going out as it did going in it's kind of nice in a weird way...
Orange gatorade taste best second time around
yep, validating this one
been there done that, blue and purple. yumyum.
If its really cold and even more delightful!
Seriously, after new years I know what you mean!!! Purple is Wayyyyy better than red!!
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