i fell you man , my girl broke up with me after i took a really good nap ... and i mean it was a REALLY good nap ....wakeing up to "i wanna see other ppl" just killed it...aw well at least i dont have to drive 40min :D
no, you sir are wrong it was created as a slang term for what women use to take care of themselves while menstruating. Later it was used as an insult to people, but you are still wrong.
I was dumped a day before my bday, the same month as our anniversary, because he hadn't been happy for 4 months because he couldn't figure out why he couldn't fix his car. He chose his car over me.
That's true. I could see this being a girl if she caught him cheating, because that would completely make sense. But that's the only situation. Usually it's the guy that gets bored after 4 years and the girl that gets attached, not the other way around.
This is the funniest text on here in ages. Everyone who's crying about it needs to pipe down. You're such a bunch of fucking babies! Talking of fucking babies, I'll leave you to cry, I've got things to do!
LAUGH MY ASS OFF. \nWHAT A DOUCHEBAG MOVE. oooweee. \nYou tryna marry her through a text ANND break up with her through a text. that's loww. might as well done it on facebook or myspace.
Ugh. My dad a version of this face to face with his girlfriend. She was relentless about getting married. RELENTLESS. out of context this text sounds harsh, but when I remebered my dad did the same thing. It's pretty funny.
Oh my gosh. You'd think that after 4 years he'd at least have the decency and the respect to do this in person. You are obviously not mature enough to have a relationship if this is how you handle it.
Even if it is fake that doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us, some of this shit is fucking hilarious and if it makes you laugh for a second why should it matter? By the way, very nice break up :)
Obviously he was being sarcastic about the "amazing" part, 7:02. Fuck off if u don't think this funny cuz it is. Y don't u grow a pair and fyckin lick 'EM u stupid bitch!
lmfao. they're free. being single is awesome. it's better than being stuck with the same person everyday. you don't have to give a fuck about feelings and you can bang anyone you want;)
4:16 will you meet me on the Internet and send me naked pictures of yourself I could Jack to and then get married also online and meet and suck my penis
Why do people feel the need to call fake on very very probable things? Just because your life is shit and interesting stuff doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it can't to others! Stfu
Haha. You can all shut the fuck up with your morales and shit, yeah we get it your retarded inbred brother broke up with you the same way regaurfless, this man is a genious
what about the girls response? "are you seriously doing this over text message" \n\nthis implies that she is a huge bitch. I'm a chick, and you know what? It's 2010. People find love online. It's the age of technology. Sounds to me like he didn't want to see her face or hear her nagging ass anymore. Easiest way to do it in my book.
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