For all you idiots, yeast infections are rarely caused by having sex. So no, the op can't be considered a whore just because she has a yeast infection. Why don't you go read up on things an educate yourself before judging someone.
Btw, this is fucking hilarious
You can get a yeast infection from several things. Taking antibiotics is one of them. Yeast infections aren't caused from sex very often. Just saying, especially for those thinking the OP is a whore.
Still amazed at how stupid people are regarding sex and their genitals, especially the females. You have a vagina, learn how it works. It is so sad when you don't know the difference between a UTI and a yeast infection.
this is funny but at the same time the nasiest thing I've ever read, or close to it. I hope your close to the person you sent that to...........that's awkward..
I HOPE people are getting confused between UTI's and yeast infections simply for the fact that most UTI medications like sulphates and bactrim can often cause a women to develope a yeast infection.. Most yeast infections are not due to the woman being a whore, but as a side effect. It really worries me how sad people have become.
Silly! Oh lighten up, yeast infections can happen from something as simple as staying in a wet bikini for two long. It's gross, but not the end of the world. And I think this chick is funny! Making a joke out of it and shit.
Lol yess! This is actually more funny than gross... N for anyone of yal that don't think so... Oh well must just be that 314 humor! Whoot STL! Btw, good one 11:31.
2:03 your an idiot. Cranberry juice is for UTIs Not yeast infections. If your going to rant at least get your facts straight. But who would go around texting people telling them this anyway? I hope this is fake. But there really are some dumbass people out there I guess..
Jeez people it's just a yeast infection, which are often caused by antibiotics...a little medication clears it up quickly. Most women get one at some point in time. It's not pleasant, but I'm sure there are much nastier things...
A yeast infection is caused by the lack of bacteria in the vagina, not the pressence of bacteria. The bacteria and yeast keep each other in balance. If the bacteria count Is low, such as taking antibiotics than the yeast can grow.
2/9 @8:19, because spear chunkers can't do anything for themselves. They depend on you and I (The MAN) to pay for every nut they bust in they bitches. Then they go knock up 5 or 6 more and never pay a damn dime for their MISTAKES. Go back home damn AFRICAN'S
WTF is wrong with you ppl? Why are there racial comments on here? You ppl are so ignorant! This is funny and clever. It has nothing to do with her being slutty. Whores get paid for sex btw you fucking morons.
People who call the op a skank or a whore really should be shot. Any elementary school student knows yeast isn't a bacteria or even an STD.
Like it ain't even funny in a sarcastic way.
Stfu or think before you decide to pretend like you're anything but a loser
2:03, Candida aka yeast is not a bacteria. It's a fungus.
Maybe cranberry juice can help keep vaginal ph normal, along with helping to keep the urinary tract healthy, but it doesn't prevent yeast infections by killing bacteria. But I really don't know.
Lol? My doctor recommended it, but apparently there is a difference? :O? Here, educate yourself:\n"Doctors and scientists believe that the cranberry and its juice is very effective in preventing yeast infection—possibly even treat it. This is possible since cranberry juice contains substances that render bacterias unable to cling on the walls of the mouth, intestines, and even the urinary tract. No bacteria, no risk of yeast infection.\nIf that isn't enough, cranberry juice also helps lower pH l
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