We just built a bong out of a pineapple. I am never leaving hawaii. Ever.
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This makes me proud
Hawaii and weed go together like peanut butter and jelly.. so jealous
Hahahaah hat off to you
420 dislikes on a text about making a bong. Classic.
If people would stop getting so annoyed when someone says "first" then maybe they would stop... I'm pretty sure they do it just to annoy you, sooo they win.
To Jan 16 @ 6:49.... That's not the fuckin point dummy... If u were a pot head u would understand. Sit down n shut the fuck up
@2:16 Hawaii is in the Northern Hemisphere fool.
3:50-it is a big deal. This is a mother bong were talking about here!
haha I love it dude. word.
mucha love bra
Yesssssssss! Go pot heads!!
Welcome to down under mate
Hawaii iiiiiiisss thaaaa place to be!
Haha it's soo awesome, we did that for the premier of pineapple express :) mmmm
good stuff
this is amazing
Livin the dream, kudos!
Sounds fantastic!
I didn't know you could escape from Ohio...
That's freaking awesome. See all you fraakibg lot head haters, we are smart and know how to use what's around us :)
Bong building is sucha great passtime. I gota try pineapple!!!
Award for most inventive stoners ever.
I actually love whoever did this and please for the love of god email me and show me how [email protected]
Score 1 for pot smokers everywhere
I'm not first you assholes! Who gives a shit!
I'm not first. Who cares?
^___^ that is fucking awesome.
wow stoners r smart? haha congrats
Not a big deal. People make bowls out of apples all the time
Yea... but this is a PINEAPPLE
You do realize that you can buy pineapples all over the place, not just Hawaii, right?
Hell yeah
Hahaha I live here and the cops don't even care either!
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