god is playing jersey shore on new years on purpose. he wants me to play drinking games and die. i wish he knew how serious this is.
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627 IS SO CORRECT. aghhhh
6:09 die in fire. Let's find a new word to beat to death and misuse in 2010, fahg
My parents abuse me. help!!!!!
One of the best posts ever haha
Jersey shore is the new farmville
Jersey Shore rocks it
Omg that's me!!!!
"Jersey shore" is the nadir of western civilization.
jersey shore is one of the worst shows i have ever seen, its just 1 more thing thats dumbing down america
I watched it. Time to party and fist pump. Let's do this!
6:27 hahahha! I love them both
MEMPHIS in the house!!!! Werd
I'm a crackhead!
Beat the beat back......jager bombs....skanks
Mylifeisfly is stupid. I makes even less sense than this site.
Fist pumping like champs!
omg sooooo true lmao
First!!!! Nye partyer
So you're saying you're going to be staying in your parents basement and watch jersey shore by yourself? Cool bro.
oh wow another jersey shore text. so original
Happy new years don't fuck it up already
Best drinking game everrrrerr
Wait- so MTV is controlled by god? ...this explains sooo much...
<-------that's my fist punchin'
The girls on jersey shore are a crackheads!!!
<--- that's me doin' it
I woke up with a condom in my ass and was like whoah
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