DON'T GO. I once had to endure my mother on acid and it wasn't funny (and she wasn't even mad at me). I guess it's too late with the advice now but mothers and acid don't mix!
first time I did acid my mom made me come home and since I didn't really know what was ahead of me I caved in. Then I sat up paranoid, 16 years old, and braiding the ends of my throw rug... not my finest moment. Oh ya, and it was halloween.
i had to go home and talk to my mom my first time on acid along with my friend at my side.. i had to keep calm i couldnt look her in the eyes because they were starting to explode
hope that worked out for sure, poor person. not good. lol. since when does eating cid cause memory loss, lol? besides you need more than thirty minutes to allow it to take full effect, depending on form.
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