New to this. I have to believe mist of these texts are for shock value and aren't real. Making me regret buying this app, what's the point if they are made up and looking for attention. Lame.
2:00pm needs to shove a rusty pipe up their ass, don't be a prick just because women find you disgusting and won't touch you with a 50 ft pole.
OP- you should have castrated that cheating motherfucker with a dull knife and pushed him off a cliff
@10.26 -- you make a lot of sense. The cancer girl may have been just a booty call. So let the guy move on. Why does he have to be tied down to someone just because they had sex?
wow that is so messed up. i've been going through chemo for 2 years now and it's nothing to fuckin joke about. maybe it was just a short relationship when she got diagnosed but who is heartless enough to sneak around behind somebodies back that is already going through hell?
Fuck him! I fucking hate cheaters. I have never cheated on anyone! His girl is sick. He should be with her taking care of her. Being there for her. He sounds to me like he's a puck bitch!!! I hope that u didn't do any thing with him. That would make u just as bad ad him!
I love how the majority of guys on here refer to his girlfriend as a cumdumpster. If that's how you view women then you are fucked up. Not like saying this will make a difference I'm simply stating the obvious. You're the kind of guys that deserve to piss off the wrong person and have the ever loving piss beaten out of you.
so what's the big deal? He's talking about a girlfriend, not something that matters. It's not like his favorite pair of shoes is damaged. It's just a girlfriend -- a cumdumpster. He dumped and he's moving on -- like he should. Lighten up, bitches and cunts
This guy should be the one with cancer. Then see what his chances are of getting laid. If you fucked him then you deserve what karma brings you. Though I assume by 'tried' you didnt.
the whole point is that you all are treating him like a douchebag for wanting pussy. She was the girlfriend and not the wife. How long was she the girfriend? One night? Two? What is the dude supposed to do -- take estrogen shots until the girlfriend dies, go thru a period of mourning, and then start hooking up again? Why should he stay off other poon? This site is too judgemental
It was just a girlfriend. I really wish Evolutionary Psychology was a mandatory course in high school so more of America would be able to understand the gears that turn in a man's brain.
Yeah well, he IS allowed to move on for sure. What makes him a total asshole is not only that whole cancer thing, it's the fact that he should break up with that girl instead of cheating on her.
That guy shouldn't have a girlfriend if he's not able to take care of her when she's living something hard. There's something for that kind of people: it's called booty calls, one nights or masturbation.
Um guys are REALLY that bad. I was hooking up with a guy for 6 months when I found out he not only had a girlfriend in another state, but she had cancer. Sick people in this world.
That may be the single most callous thing I've ever read, and I've seen most of the TFLN archives. I hope that dude gets some really painful STD from some really stupid woman.
Regardless of how long his relationship was with her he shouldn't make a mockery of such a devastating sickness. He is allowed to break up with her and move on to the next girl if he can't be man enough to handle a situation like that... Not cheat on her and pretend to be supportive
I get it- its just a text and its not a big deal blah blah blah. But for some people it really is...maybe this text is fake or whatever but joking about cancer isnt funny. My best friends dad died of cancer and my own dad is currently suffering from cancer. So i think its fair for me to say that making light of something so badjust shouldnt be done
I read this.. and saw the area code and started laughing my ass off.. because I'm from 772... and this is exactly how the majority of guys are down there!! hahahaha
true story: a coworker divorced his wife while she was being treated; she died after the divorce. Thought he was being heartless until I found out that she was a cheating whore. Life sucks -- deal with it
they deserve each other...she's hanging out with the kinda guy that cheats on a g/f with cancer, she's just as guilty as he is if she knows about it...
December 5th 8:37 pm you are a fucking asshole and Deserve to rott in hell! I'm really hoping this story isn't true. and if it isn't you better pray that no gets cancer in your family because then you will know that it's not something to joke about
I don't see anywhere where he pretended to be supportive. He wants to move on from some girl that he has no legal obligation to remain involved with. cancer sucks...but why change his life because a cumdumpster gets sick?
do y'all really expect the guy to stay "loyal" to a girl just because she has been diagnosed with cancer? Why is it HIS concern to be with her and take care of her? He didn't do anything but fuck her.
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