he farted when he came. not the best ending to my day.
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i hear what you're saying 9:42 but I think it's kinda cool to see your hometown getting represented and stuff
I queefed in a guy's face when he was going down on me. Humiliation to the max.
It happens. If the sex is good, who cares?
The American Apparel "Disco Pants" are heinous. Funnier than the tfln, really.
Sometimes you just can't control which muscle moves where while you're doing that kind of stuff. You should be proud that you fucked up his muscle control for a second. Guys are proud when you walk bowlegged after sex. It just means a job well done.
It was weird for her, but I bet he felt AMAZING lol
Heard it feels like you just lost 10 pounds.
Try giving a blow job and the guy farting.... And then giggling like a lil school girl about it....
At least he didn't shit
Ha! Don't act like you have never queefed before. Shit happens -girl next door
@ 5:55 it is superr gross, but FYI I bet if u saw me you'd wannnna bone fasho..
if you don't like seahorses fuck you
He should have cupped it in her face! Haha
Ha. he prob sharted on your face. sharted facial= shartal? you got a shardal
Your sheets must smell like poop -skip
I'm sure we can all relate.
Happy ending !
5:07-- how would you know... And you have multiple buddies tell you how they have "fun" with your other friends?..
Sounds like a happy ending for him!
Engage afterburners
I hope he shit in your face
Northern KY! Representin'
Right. Cuz girls never queef after sex. Don't throw stones you dumb bitch.
Yeah, I TOTALLY wanna order that on a T-Shirt. and wear it around...
If you think about it its natural, all the guy's muscles are relaxing.
I did that once, said sorry then fell asleep.
ishi wooton is who you're talking about. disgusting.
I want this shit on a shirt
Hahaa one of my guy friends did that the other day!!!
Well...are you willing to give him another bj? Cause if so i think he probably doesn't give a shit. Most likely is laughing his ass off in his head.
It happens. Walk it off.
Chareles Rutherford thinks flatulence is a natural occurance!! -Charles Rutherford
Wow, not funny at all =[
Heard it feels just like 10 pounds.
"I farted when I came, best end to my day"
Why is 12:34 shooting straight outta left field?
That had to feel awesome.
I try to fart every time I cum. No big deal
My fear is my pc muscles acting up
Lexington, classy as always!
I shit a lil diahrea when I was fucking this guy twice! Buuut the best sex ever... Also very embarassing after -_-
I hate everyone who thinks that a fart is equivalent to a queef. Dumbasses
I farted while pounding away missionary
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