The only person I knew who drank O'Doul's was this giant hardcore Irish dude who told me he had to stop drinking on account of getting black out drunk and putting someone in the hospital for looking at his girlfriend.
I know someone who used to have a drinking problem and now drinks odouls all the time. He just likes the taste, and doesn't get drunk. It's better for him.
Haha some people don't get it. That shit barely has alcohol it's like defeating the purpose of buying an alcoholic beverage, why not just buy a non alcoholic drink?
Alcohol tastes horrible so why would you drink it if doesn't do anything. I also agree with 4:12. Most people just use alcohol as an excuse to do stupid stuff.
I love to shove real beer in my ass while I'm in the cooler at circle K. I don't use odouls cuz nobody buys it and when there's beer bottles that smell like bung they gotta be the ones that people buy. Otherwise the whole cooler will eventually smell like bung.
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