you went into starbucks asked for a mocha "on the rocks"
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i'm blackout drunk when starbucks opens and i am responsible for opening a starbucks. love, 609
I've done that too... To be a dumbass. Nothing funny about this one.
so stupid, I used to work at a cafe and that's how you order an iced mocha...
Used to work at starbucks and people ordered it like that all the time.
I thought it was hilarious. Laughed and laughed.
They see me trollin, they hatin'!
Fuck the guy below me
That's legit as fuck :)
Irish up my coffee, bitch!
Mocha on the rocks? Sounds right to me...
Not all that funny. I work at starbucks and it happens all the time....
If your were wasted why were u at starbucks? Fake
What's wrong with that?
Legit? You fuckin moron asswipe
And I've gone to work hungover, asking if someone wanted their drink 'on the rocks'. Oh the looks
i work at starbucks and ive got that a couple times. and i have trashy native americans here. your not that cool.
who in this world is blackout drunk while starkbucks are open.
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