Erin Andrews shaves. She also likes to check out her ass in the mirror. Of course if I had an ass like that I'd be checking it out in the mirror too.
Took her home last night and it was like trying to put an oyster in a slot machine. I may have drank a little too much.
She uses empty wine bottles as book ends. 2 on each side. At least 8 shelves.
Since when does a beard not count as proof of age at the liquor store?
All his texts have the signature of a date with a smile. I asked him what it means. IT'S THE DAY HE QUIT DOING DRUGS
He thinks MY vagina is tight. That's saying something.
Its only fair we share our golden vaginas with the world. It would be selfish if we didn't.
he just flipped me off the bed, said "deal with it", and came on me.
Wish me luck. My vagina needs it.
May his noodley appendage touch you.
Is there a tactful way to ask "how are your balls?" Or do I just ask point blank
It got weird I got a phone call while looking at porn and the video started playing while on the phone full on porn audio.
he said "GREAT SCOTT" as he was cumming.
Let's not forget that we had sex on the ground in public tonight.
Spotify says I’m in the top 1% of Indigo Girls fans worldwide. Didn’t know I would peak this early.
Aren’t you trying to seem...less lesbian?