I think I'm in Tiajuana
You are not in Tijuana. I saw you an hour ago
I could be
Dude?? where did you go after Wildcats last night? Last I heard you went off with one of the girls we danced with?
Negative - This is his GF, Bobby is in Jail for a DUI. Thanks for the info.
Her eyes are really red like she jus got out of the hospital and shes coughing ...80 ppl at her school do have swine flu dude
So your saying just a blow job?
There is a distinct lack of front teeth here.
She rolled a blunt with one hand...and instantly I had a boner, I'm going to marry this girl.
Nah, I'm just going to keep fucking him until he realizes we're perfect for each other.
Next sat night Titanic party. Bring your floaties, trashy necklaces, and a large lung capacity. This ship is going downnnnnnn.
But you can't tell me I give the best blow jobs and then not break up with your girlfriend who has fucking TMJ! Come on!
Nah I've been there. The worst you'll see is some hobo peeing in a sewer at 3 am on a Saturday
Shirley Temple died. We owe it to her to get dirty shirley wasted.
Came home to my roommate drinking a 40 in the shower. Chugging with his hair still fully shampoo'd.
How did you end up breaking into that laundromat at 3am? I saw the snapchat but like..... How?
Can't we just go back to fucking and having your boyfriend think you're completely straight?
I don't want to inconvenience you with my dick\n\n
Quit giving me a hard time, whens the last time you got head every night? Cougars are where its at they dont play games