Why do you proceed to call me "Queen La Queefah?"
Saying we were separated at birth, got on a ship and sailed here via onion barrel from Somalia didn't help our case at all....
You said that you were drinking out of a pan, and then went on to apologise to 'Jesus and all the other guys' for drinking on a Sunday.
so the photographer said "let's get a picture of the cousins" so we posed together, and then he said " lets get a picture of the couples" So we posed together.
Just had an old man tip me two dollars and say "here put this in your baby fund, you'll have a baby someday" I swear this is gods way of saying GET ON BIRTH CONTROL NOW!
I really resent how she stayed home and ruined my plans to watch sci-fi and masturbate.
we have what I like to call an assload of ramen noodles
Black out Jordan is making huge strides. I didn't even pee on anyone or anything last night.
I really dont wanna go to a traffic light party. I have nothing red to pretend I'm taken with. Without something red my "my girlfriend is away in the mines" story wont work.
Someone the age of your son tried to go home with me from the bar last night
look for me at the Giants game I will possibly be the drunk girl passed out by 2nd
What'd I miss?
Erotic hypnosis and studded dog collars.
Is it a bad thing when vodka doesn't taste like vodka anymore?
Like he legitimately was standing straight up, feet on the roof, not holding on to a moving car.
Shame - the story of my life.