Did you read the article making fun of the right wing extremists? How they organized this 'tea party', and to propagate it they would mail teabags to their senators? And it became a verb...they had posters saying 'teabag obama!' yeah...
A message to Mrs Obama perhaps?
I decided it would be a good time to smoke on one of my deliveries but then I got the munchies and ate a piece of the pizza I was freaking out so I told him it was our new pacman pizza
Oh I forgot to tell you one of the little boys in my preschool class was wearing a Hooters tank top today.
I won't be sarcastic... just naked
smelt my brothers hands when he got home to see if he lied about smoking again...he didn't lie but i definitely didn't expect to smell some other girls vagina.
I never thought I'd say this, but there is a life threatening amount of rumpleminz in our freezer
his apartment was in a funeral home, walk of shamed through a visiation in the skankiest outfit i own
Come find me, I'm the girl sitting alone in taco bell at 9 in the morning drinking concealed beer with a straw
Saturday morning. Went into a study room excited b/c some1 had left a paper w/ an inspirational quote: YOU ARE cApable of aChieving anything yoU waNT. Then I read the bold letters.....
Can we agree to not tell mom about this?
This isnt even the most disappointing thing i know about you.
I was told my cock was a religious experience.
So wait. Let me get this straight lol... you... are are considering offering fetish services to "trample and own" someone for $80 in order to pay for someone to come organize ur shit? Pure genius.
I totally forgot about finals week. im the worst adderall salesman ever.
Oh shit that's not good dude. I'd head straight for Williamsport hospital the first ingredient in that shit is lithium batteries. You don't want to know what the second one is
I'm just going to use my debit card. I feel bad buying pizza with the money I stole from my roommate...so I'm going to put it in my piggy bank.